The Dark Hero

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Alarms rang out throughout the facility.. 

It had just so happened that the guard who had fallen asleep watching the camera that was designed keep an eye on the crucial prisoners in Room 1B had noticed something rather troublesome..

The camera feed was only showing snow.

And so it came to be, that multiple guards were sent to smash down the room's door, which had been barricaded in with furniture.

"Move aside move aside!" roared the Director, blasting the barricade back with a blast of magic from his hand. "Damn it all.. where in the world-!?"

The Director looked up at the broken vent with a stunned expression on his face. 

The Director turned on a magical communicator in his hand. "Flass!! Get your servants ready! We need to be ready! If those two escape then Emiya will most definitely be on his way.. GO!!!"

Flass, who was patrolling another hall nearby, sighed, toting his gun and gestured over to Bomber who was standing with some of the other Mole Hound Dog operatives.  "Come on.. we got some bitches to capture again.."

Bomber grinned. "Whatevs.. just wanna use my Noble Phantasm for once ya know? Is Apollo-senpai coming?"

"He's tied up with something else right now.. let's just get this done." said Flass.  "You guys stay back.. no telling if they managed to remove their magic shackles completely.. "

"Right sir." said one of the operatives. 

Flass cocked his gun and patted a hand on the multiple hunting knives strapped to his chest. "Heheheh.. time for another hunt Frenda... ya ready?"

"A thousand times ready!" said Bomber with a grin. 

In a room on the other side of the facility.. a vent was kicked out as Mordred guided Mikoto out of the vent.

"Come on.. almost there.. just a little more." Mordred gasped. 

"Mordred.. we're out of the room.. but.. how do we get out of the facility!?" Mikoto stammered.

"We just need to find something strong enough to break the shackles on you.." said Mordred. "And you can use your power to hack a terminal or something and find a way out.."

"Ok.. " said Mikoto. "But.. we'll need to work quickly, I mean there's no telling how many people are.."

"BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!" A wall shattered as an explosion shook the place...

(Frenda's theme.. one of the best in Railgun XD)

"PEEKABOO!!" Frenda roared, jumping in.. juggling a couple of stuffed animals in her hands, as a grinning Flass jumped in as well, pointing an automatic rifle at the duo.

"Aw... crap.." Mordred growled. "MIKOTO! RUN!! I'll hold off these two clowns!!"

"Without your Noble Phantasm or your powers!?" Mikoto stammered.

"Oh right." Said Mordred, a sweatdrop on her forehead. "Forgot about that snag."

"RUNNN!!!" Mikoto screamed grabbing Mordred's wrist and pulling them out of the way as Frenda lunged in and lashed out a powerful roundhouse kick, kicking a massive chunk out of the stone wall. 

"Don't kill em!!" roared Flass.

"Well it's not like it's easy to go easy on them!" Frenda exclaimed. "have you SEEN how strong I am!?"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now