Parental Advice?

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"Well... how was it?" 

"Huh?" Mikoto blinked, shaken out of her stupor. 

The rain had returned with a vengeance, and was now beating against the windshield of the car, as Saber turned on the windshield wipers.. Buildings rushed by as Saber drove behind one of the Automated buses, making the steady drive back to the Tokiwadai dorms. 

"Your date.. how was it?" said Saber, looking at Mikoto with concern. "You haven't told me about it yet.. you just got in the car with that box of cake and didn't say a word.. are you ok?"

"Yes? No? I don't know." Mikoto muttered. "It.. was a disturbingly eventful day I'll say that.. my date turned out to be your.. er.. son? Sister ? Daughter? clone? I don't know what to call it now.."

"Mordred!?" stammered Saber, looking shocked. "She.. wrote that letter!?"

"Yeah.. apparently she's smitten with me.. and I can't tell if it's REALLY cause she's a yuri or if she's in denial of the fact she's a girl.. " said Mikoto. "But.. she.. really genuinely put her heart into this.. it was a bit scary honestly."

"I'm.. a bit too shocked for much words to be honest." Saber muttered. "Then again.. I never knew Mordred was related to me by blood until our final battle when she finally took off her Concealment of Pedigree.. it was then that I found out the truth about her..  before then.. I always thought of her as a comrade in the Knights of The Round Table.. I wasn't even aware she was female.. "

"So.. her trying to date a girl... doesn't seem weird to you?" Mikoto asked.

"Not really.. she acted fully like a man during the time she was a knight." said Saber. "She was popular with the women in the court due to the mystery of her appearance, and her loyalty to the throne.. she wasn't always so violent and stubborn.. in fact.. you could say she used to be more like Lancelot.. calm, sure of her King's wishes..  dedicated..  Galahad believed Mordred actually might have worshiped me to a degree.."

"Sounds like you were her idol." said Mikoto. 

"Indeed.. which is what broke her in the end when she found out the truth about her existence.. that she was a Homunculus made from me.." said Saber. 

"So you have a Sister too.. just like me.." said Mikoto. "Only my Sisters are kinda more numerous.. and much more mello.."

"Did she treat you okay?" Saber asked. "You let her down gently?"

"I tried.. but then one thing led to another, and she ended up kissing me." Mikoto muttered.

"HAAAAHHHH!!?" Saber stammered nearly driving into a ditch. "H.. how did she SURVIVE!?"

"Are you assuming I murdered her!?" Mikoto stammered, going pink.

"I'm honestly amazed Kamijou is alive from his encounters." said Saber apolegetically. "But.. Oh my!"

"I didn't mean for it to happen! She just did it and caught me by surprise!" Mikoto sputtered. "I.. I I.. er.."

"Don't worry about it.." Saber muttered. "I'll have a talk with her."

"No Saber! You and I both know she HATES you.. like.. A LOT.. you might make things worse!" Mikoto stammered. 

"Yes.. her grudge.. the fact that it has grown enough that her Noble Phantasm's power is fused by it.. that is troubling." Saber said. "But if she's making you feel uncomfortable.. I can't just stand by!"

"I'll tell Touma.. he'll order her not to do that again right?" Mikoto said.

"Mordred's a free spirit.. even when it comes to the orders of her master." said Saber. "I doubt that'll do much.. Just allow me to-."

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now