I am Fire.. I am Death.

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(Whoever can guess who the London Faction Servants are Divine Spirits of before the chapter ends.. gets to cuddle with Lion Saber, Gekota Mikoto, and Manatee Mordred!)

"Here we are.." said Stiyl as he guided the group down a large carpeted hallway lined with soft lit torches.

"And this place.. was just under Touma's dorm.. the entire time?" Mikoto muttered. 

"Sort of.." said. "Said Stiyl. "We built it under his place after World War 3.. cause.. er.. things just happen around him.."

"Figures.." said Mikoto with a sigh. "So.. WHY the heck did you try to unsummon Saber by the way?"

"She was the strongest, and we figured that'd be the biggest danger to trying to getting this gathering here.. we never thought that her Unsummon wouldn't be permanent.. then again.. our expertise on Servant Magic is a bit minimal." Muttered Stiyl. "She's the one we figured had the best chance of taking on Kanzaki."

"So let me get this straight." muttered Mordred. "Because ya figured we were somehow involved with the corruption of the Mage Association.. YA JUST DECIDED JUST TO BLATANTLY TRY AND KIDNAP ALL OF US INSTEAD OF ASKING US QUESTIONS!?"

"That's exactly what they were kidnapping us FOR though.. interrogation." said Mikoto. "They couldn't get me and Mordred cause we were kidnapped by somebody else.. and they were still searching for us... otherwise.. the others would've ended up imprisoned with us.. and the fact that they left Me and Mordred alone even after we emerged.. was due to the fact they wanted to observe us. That's Necessarius's tactics... according to Touma anyways.. Caution before attack.. not like God's Right Seat that just blatantly goes in for an attack.. and there were other clues besides tactics.."

"Like the attempt to Unsummon me." said Saber. "That suggested they didn't think they had the battle power to fight a Servant.. or that they didn't have Servants themselves.. which are the best weapons against Servants. "

"And what other Magic Organization wouldn't think to use Heroic Spirits.. other than an organization that tries to use magic minimally, cause they think it's evil? The Church of Necessary Evil!" said Mikoto. 

Kanzaki sighed. "hmm.. smart.. but still... your guess was a bit of a stretch."

"It would seem so at first with only that much info." said Mikoto. "Except Touma already told me Stiyl met with him earlier recently.. in Academy City.. so you guys were already involved in some way.. I knew that much."

Kanzaki opened the door at the end of the hall..

Inside was a large plush living room with red carpets, armchairs by fires.. and a load.. of very grumpy and pissed off looking friends.

"DON'T TELL ME!!" Accelerator spat from where he sat at a nearby Armchair with Jeanne and Last Order. "THEY GOT YOU TOO! Gonna question ya!? Bunch of fuckos.."

"They captured YOU?!" Mikoto stammered, looking at Accelerator with astonishment.

"It's a bit embarrassing." Muttered Jeanne. 

"They lured us in.. got Accelerator's choker battery before we could so much as put up a defense." said Shirou, walking forward. 

Everyone was there.. Rin.. Arthur.. Rider and Uiharu,  pretty much everyone that had been missing.

"Well, we aren't captured.. we're here to force all these jackasses ta let you go.." said Mordred as she grabbed Touma by the top of his head and pulled him to his feet.  "Honestly.. questioning even my Master and Sister Index?! I thought you were all friends!!"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now