Hound Dogs.

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"Honestly! If you wanted a way for her not to talk to you, you've done it.." Touma muttered looking at Mordred who was staring dejectedly down at her mug of coffee in the diner. 

"Mrdggg.. fgffijguffufffly.." Mordred muttered incoherently. 

"Did... she just speak angel?" Index asked.

"No she's being guilty." said Touma. "Why the HELL did you test whether you were her master THAT way!? I mean honestly, you could've just told her to jump up and down or something.."

"I wasn't thinking.." Mordred muttered. 

"Damn straight you weren't!" Touma muttered, looking over at the next table in the diner where Olga, Mash, Saber, and Mikoto were sitting. 

It had come as a real shock when the 2 hour contract ended, and Mikoto tried to form another contract as a test, that once more, the contract marking had appeared on Mordred's hand again.. and then again, when Mikoto tried to form a contract with Mash and Olga just to experiment..

"I can't explain it." said Rufus earlier on. "Perhaps there's just some sort of unique bond you two share."

Mordred would've been secretly glad about this.. if he hadn't just alienated Mikoto in the process of finding out.  AND to top it off.. she had been reprimanded by her FATHER of all people.. her wretched enemy.. smacking her down to size for stripping her future queen.. this was humiliating...

It was safe to say, Mordred had almost NEVER felt worse in her life. 

"Now.. the way we see it.. if we're going to win this, we need as much of the Academy City faction united as possible.." said Olga. "That probably wasn't a serious attack just now if they only sent 2 of their New York faction Servants.. it was probably just reconnaissance to see our Noble Phantasms and get a gist of what we were capable of.. "

"They seemed pretty serious to me.. that clown's Noble Phantasm.. oh man.." Mikoto muttered.

"But you'll notice the one with the bloody cloak didn't use much attacks at all.. or even his Noble Phantasm." said Mash. "He was likely the one designated to observe as the Caster fought. Our enemies are very smart."

"For now we'll focus on researching the New York faction." said Olga. "You all focus on getting together all the Servants and Masters of this city.. don't worry about Aleister and Lancer, they're a lost cause."

Olga looked over at Mordred, Touma, and Index's table. "That goes for you three too! Try and see if you can get anybody on our side!"

"Well.. Rider and Uiharu might be a given.." Mikoto muttered to Saber.  "But I don't know.. Rider wouldn't want Uiharu to get involved, and I don't think I do too.. she's not exactly a fighter.. "

"Maybe just Rider then?" said Saber. "And put Uiharu under protective custody... if you people do that?"

"We do that." said Olga. "We have some excellent mages in protection detail, we can most definitely offer that."

"How do we convince Kakine and Berserker though?" asked Mikoto.

"I can always stab Berserker in the face again." said Saber. "Might be an improvement to her looks."

"Jeez Saber! Never took you for a joker.."

"I learned from you.. I find your sarcasm refreshing." said Saber with a small smile. 

"We never expected any of this to be easy." said Olga. "Use force if necessary to capture them and bring them alive.. we'll try our own brand of convincing after that..  Rufus will be handling Archer and his master, so no worries on that.. we'll try to contact Ruler and Accelerator as soon as possible... by the way, can you also contact Caster by any chance?"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now