Red as the Day I knew you.

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A Month ago..

"Lame.. Lame.. Lame.." Mordred muttered, throwing out a bunch of books from the drawers in Touma's desk. 

She was currently in her Armorless Servant form, wearing her red breast band and scarlet colored clothing... looking every bit like some sort of brash brazen female of the time of King Arthur. 

"Are.. you going to put those back?" Touma stammered as he watched Mordred continue to rifle through his stuff.

"So.. you summoned a Servant.. with that Right Hand of yours working like it does!?" stammered Index. "HOW!?"

"I don't know kay? She just turned up after the charm flopped around my neck." said Touma with a shrug. "Anyways, I owe her my life.. so I guess I'm her Master now.. and she's going to be living with us.."

"With your amount of money?" muttered Index.

"Ohhhhh... you're right.. a poor High School Student with two freeloaders now.. Such Misfortune.." Touma whimpered. "Why don't you get a job Index!? Please! "

"I already have a job keeping the Grimoires in my head for the Church!" said Index haughtily, folding her arms. "Why would I take a job at some place like.. like..MgRonalds!?"

"BECAUSE YOUR 'JOB' DOESN'T MAKE MONEY! AND WE NEED MONEY!!" Touma roared, waving his hands over his head furiously. "AND I PAY FOR YOUR MEALS!!! YOUR BIG.. 12 COURSE.. MEAAAALS!!"

"Keep it down kids." Mordred snapped, standing up and frowning. "Jeez is it always quarrels-ville with you all? By your ages you would've been flogged for such horrid manners in the court! OI!  by the way..  one question too.. that girl that you needed me to help you save in that hullaboo 2 hours ago...  the chestnut haired one.."

"The one you kept staring at with an open jaw?" muttered Touma. "What about her?"

"Who is she?"

"Mikoto Misaka.. she's a friend of mine.. " said Touma. "She's a really good person, but she can be pretty stubborn and childish plenty of times. "

"I see.." said Mordred. "She's.. really pretty actually."

"That's an understatement.." said Touma. "She's the only girl I know whose got this whole tomboy thing going, and yet she still comes off as a beautiful girl. Though she'd probably zap me if I told her that.. careful, she's a temperamental one.."

"Heh.. so am I.." muttered Mordred. "I know it's hard to admit, but it's true.. so we're a lot alike.."

"No.. you're angrier.." said Touma. "And I'm pretty sure Biribiri's never held a grudge as unhealthy as yours.."

"HA! Don't go talking to me about my grudge..!!" Growled Mordred. "Talk about it again..."

Mordred held out a hand, and Clarent appeared there in a burst of scarlet light. "You'll be searching for a replacement head... get the picture!?"

Index hid behind Touma, shivering, as Touma himself nodded, gulping. "Eheh.. right.. not mentioning it again."

"Seriously.. Touma.. you're the master.. you're supposed to be giving her orders!" stammered Index in a frantic whisper.

"I don't think that's ever a good idea.." Touma whimpered back. 

"Well.. You kiddies don't hold up for me." said Mordred, standing up. "I'm going out! "

"D.. dressed like that!?" Touma stammered "Come on.. there's not a single Anime Convention in town.. Anti-skill will pull you over for questioning in an instant!!"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now