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"Okay... I guess I can admit, I had fun." said Mikoto as she stared at the massive pouring rain that was now crashing down in front of the restaurant door. "But.. I'm afraid I'm not.. er.. attracted to you in that way."

Mordred shrugged and grinned. "Hey.. wasn't expecting love at first sight or anything.. ya gotta work at these things.. I mean... if you're up for a second date?"

Mikoto frowned. "No.. I'm free to hang out if you want.. but not a date.. Mordred you need to accept the fact that I'm not a lesbian.. something I've had to express to Kuroko forever now.. and that you're.. a woman.. it's a DIFFERENT era now you know! Women aren't second class citizens.. "

Mordred seemed to sigh. "Is Camelot in this era kid?"

"Guess not.." said Mikoto. "But honestly, do you want to be the King of a Dead Kingdom?"

"It's not about the Kingdom itself Mikoto-chan!" said Mordred. "It's about proving to my friggin Father that I would've been better for it! And I most definitely would've! And who knows!? With a Queen by my side, perhaps I can rebuild Camelot."

"That's a bit delusional." said Mikoto as sparks jumped out of her bangs irritably. "I'm not your queen.. I'm just a friend.  And even Saber's accepted her Femininity! It's time you accepted yours!"

"So... no second date?"

"No.." said Mikoto with a final growl, her eye twitching.

"Not even for ice cream?"

"Not a date.. JUST Hanging out.. with friends.. while other people I know are around thank you.." Mikoto snapped. 

"Come on.. ya gotta admit ya had a little fun-.."

"NO MORDRED." Mikoto snapped, lightning jumping from her bangs threateningly. "GOODBYE!!"

Mikoto took the to go box from Mordred's hands. "And thanks for the cake anyways.. "

Mikoto made to walk off haughtily as a sort of final 'We're done here punk' statement.. but found herself facing a torrent of falling water.

Suddenly, an umbrella opened over her head, and Mordred stepped up.. being the carrier of said umbrella.

"Well.. least let me make sure you don't get wet.." Mordred.

Mikoto could feel her heart sink to rock bottom. This person just wouldn't quit would she? Well at least she wasn't as ferociously sexual as Kuroko.  "Fine.. but just till we get to the front of Tokiwadai so Saber can drive me home.." 

And so they walked through the rain..

The umbrella itself wasn't too massive, so Mikoto found herself having to scrunch up close to Mordred to keep dry.

While Mikoto busily tried to keep dry, Mordred's mind was squealing with triumph.

'HAHAHAHA! Thanks to the rain that I KNEW would happen today cause of the weather channel, she has no choice but to scrunch up close to me under this umbrella which I made sure was too small!!' Mordred thought, grinning to herself, and pumping a fist.  'I am truly the King of Dating!! And after studying those dating simulators they have available on phones.. I'll be able to TOTALLY woo her!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA'

"You know you're saying that all out loud right?" said Mikoto, a glare apparent on her face as lightning began to crackle ominously around her bangs.

"Hah?" said Mordred. "Oh... crap baskets.."

"Idiot.." Mikoto growled as she held up a hand that ignited into powerful lightning. 

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now