3rd Date.

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"Reservation Miss?"

"Er.. Mikoto Misaka.. Table for Two?"

"Oh.. you're... a girl.."  the waiter of the outdoor cafe stared at Mikoto. "Uh.. n-not that there's anything wrong with that.. but.."

Mikoto sighed. "Just show me to my goddamn date before I beat the crap out of you."

"Right right!" stammered the waiter showing Mikoto over to a table, where Mordred was waiting. 

"Hey.. " said Mordred with a grin and a wink as Mikoto sat down. "Ya look radiant!"

"I'm only wearing my school uniform this time." said Mikoto.

"And of ya look beautiful in it all the same." said Mordred with a wink.

Mikoto could feel herself start to blush, but she shook herself and picked up her menu. "Okay.. I've never been to this outdoor cafe before.. so.. lets see what they've got.

"I recommend the cheesecake." said Mordred. "It's amazing.. I took Touma and Index here.. they loved it."

"So I take it that your Stock Buying thing is going well?" said Mikoto with a smile.

"Well, to say I'm not raking in cash would be sort of an understatement." said Mordred, chuckling. "I think I've got a natural thing for it..either that or I've got insane luck.."

"You hear?" Mikoto asked. "Shirou just got named the new head of the Mage Association.. apparently he's going to be spending some time investigating everybody who had anything to do with infiltration of the London Faction.. there were quite a few more Servants than Sauron and Smaug."

"Makes sense.. I'd say he's the best guy for the job.. I mean if fath... I mean.. Sister.. admired him.. " said Mordred. "He must be a phenomenal man.. and it looks like the factions are all coming together too.."

"So.. now we're the Academy City Faction." Mikoto said. "We could use a little work.."

"How do you mean?" asked Mordred.

"Kakine and Anubis only came along with us that day cause they were interested in Self Preservation." said Mikoto. "Draco's getting more Anti-Grail War than ever after what happened in St. Paul's cathedral.. I'm amazed she's not fitting bubble wrap over Uiharu and giving her a football helmet.. and Thor seems to be more interested in drinking than strategy. 

"We're dysfunctional.. it's what gives us our charm.. don't worry, we'll get there." said Mordred. "i mean did you expect ME to agree to work with Arturia again?"

"No.. I guess not.." said Mikoto. "Yeah... well, let's concentrate on a happier subject.. shall we?"


"Like what you have planned for the first of your unlimited date vouchers." said Mikoto. 

Mordred grinned. "I've got some classic stuff planned. "After some nice lunch and dessert at this here cafe.. we're going to the movies to watch whatever you pick.. and then.. we'll be headed to the Festival that's happening tonight in District 4!"

"Sounds like a full day."

"I have to make the most out of each of my bottomless dates!" said Mordred. "And since it's a full night.. and Touma and Index are busy visiting Necessarius this weekend.. leaving me alone at home.. and the Festival is SUCH a long ways from your dorm."

"No.." said Mikoto. 

"You didn't hear what I was going to ask!" said Mordred.

"You were going to ask me to stay over." said Mikoto with a frown. "Sorry.. but no.. Mordred. You can't really expect us to.. you know. I'm a girl.. you're a girl.. and I'm underage furthermore.. and so are you.  We can't do that. "

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now