The Prankster Runs At Twilight.

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"Mgghh.. ngghh.."

Saber opened her eyes drowsily.. she stood up awkwardly.. leaning on Excalibur for support as she tried to ascertain her location.  

"Academy City?" Saber muttered as she looked around. 

Indeed it looked like the Underground Mall.. however, something was quite different about it.. it was empty.. and there seemed to be a lot more doorways than usual..

And a voice was drawing closer.. singing?

"Ohhhhhh... I don't know the lyrics to this song! But if I did I'd probably say them horribly anyways! Lalalalalalala! I'm probably disrespecting Beyonce by singing this! ladiladilaaaaa!!"

Saber raised an eyebrow as she heard the singing. Well, that was different.

From around a corner, a harlequin pranced into view.

(Perfect theme for Prankster XD). 

However, this harlequin was different looking than Pennywise. His face wore a full mask.. decorated with a smiley face, and two eyeholes, one in the shape of a star, and the other the shape of a crescent moon.

He bore twin tailed bells on his hat.. and purple and white stripped harlequin suit, with curly shoes, ruffed gloves and everything. He was more goofy and jovial looking than Pennywise..

However.. Saber could feel something quite off about this if his power was far greater than anything she had ever faced.. that behind this goofy clown's harmless looks.. this thing was possibly strong enough to destroy the world..

Saber stepped back carefully, sweating a little as harlequin continued to prance in her direction.. until... it skidded to a stop.

"WHOOOOOAAA WOW! Doth my eyes deceive me!? A Waifu In The Passage!? JEEEZ!!" the harlequin exclaimed. "And here I thought Carnival Phantasm was the ONLY time this shit happened! HAHAHAHAHA!"

The being held out a gloved hand and shook Saber's hand rapidly and so wildly, that Saber felt her entire body shake from having her hand wrung in such a manner.

"Howyadoin!? The Name's Twilight Pranskter! As my name suggests, I am both a prankster and a Pony! Just kiddin' All Bronies must die! I know who you are of course! Saber.. Saiba.. EXCAIBAAAAAAA!!! As the Japanese Dubs say.. English Dubs? Are they done yet? Who knows!? I'm just glad I ran into somethin' so uncommon!!"

Twilight Prankster said this all sort of fast, so it was hard to keep track of everything he said. Saber managed to whip her arm free of Prankster's grip.

"Wait! Who are you!? What is this place really!?" stammered Saber. "I need to know what's going on right now!"

"Well.. Honestly, and this is a rare thing for me.. REALLY.. I don't know what you're doing here.. I don't know WHY you're here.. in fact.. there shouldn't be ANY possible way you're here!" said Prankster with a cackle. "This is what makes this entire meeting so interesting... the chances of you being here are as slim as Sword Art Online not having at least ONE attempted rape scene every arch!"

Prankster held up a finger. "BUT!! As for where you are.. hahahaha! Well, girly knighty Arthur mc-Arturia my lady king!! You are in a passage.. no.. not just A passage.. THEEEE passage.. the road and ways that connect EVERY single dimension in the Multiverse.. no.. The OMEGAVERSE!!.."

"Omegaverse?" Muttered Saber.

"Oh.. yeah.. you're probably not at the stage where you can understand THAT part." said Prankster. "But just know, this is called the Railroad.. it's a place that only reality altering dimension jumpers.. like yours truly, can actually get to and use.. it's what makes up our power..  and usually we only need to go through it like for a milisecond.. but for extended trips.. we sometimes come to it's alternate plane mode.. the mode YOU are currently standing in.."

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