Clarent Full Blooded Grudge.

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"KAAABOOOM BOOOM BOOOM BOOOMM BOOMOMMMM!!" multiple explosions razed the street as Mordred dashed at high speeds, dodging each and every attack.

"DAMN IT!!!" roared Seika, her eyes livid as she aimed her multiple weapon barrels from her mech suit,  "The only reason you're winning is cause of that damn suit!!!"

"The only reason you're even able to fight is with that wolf thingy whatever ya call it.." said Mordred with chuckle, grinning with bloodthirst. "CONSIDER US EVEN!!!!!"

Mordred skidded to a halt as suddenly the booster jets on her back ignited and propelled her in a high speed forward charge at Seika.

"CLARENT BLOOD ARTHUR!!!" a powerful energy surge exploded from Mordred's blade as she sent it slashing downwards at  Seika.

"CRAP!!!" Seika stammered as the giant energy blade blasted into her full force.. 

An explosion blasted outwards.. and a shockwave shook the city.. and various Hound Dog operatives dove for cover screaming.

Flass hid behind a nearby point in cover, clutching his gun, his phone to his ear.

"Yeah.. buddy.. ya might wanna come quick.. it's a Saber Class by the looks of her.. and she's managed to erm.. borrow.. a piece of tech that's made her even more troublesome. 

When the dust settled.. various gun barrels and sections of the Wolf Hound Armor lay strewn all over the place.

Mordred grinned, shouldering her sword. "Ha!? That all ya got!? Guess I must've killed ya.. this armor ain't too bad.. I might just decide to keep it.. if only it were a Noble Phantasm.. that'd make it all the better.. 

"You piece of TRASH!!" A voice roared out from the dust. "I'M GOING TO BE SURE TO CLEAN THIS MESS IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!!"

Mordred blinked with surprise. "No.. No way.. she can't be."

Seika walked out.. this time, wearing a similar suit to Mordred, only this one had less armor plating, and was black.. revealing her belly and legs just like Mordred's.. but slimmer..  in her hands she held two high tech looking samurai blades with gleaming blue edges.

"You might be interested to know.. but the Wolf Hound armor and the Valkyrie Knight armor are both sister armors.." said Seika. "Both developed from the original Anti-Art Armor meant to combat Level Fives... this armor is the latest model, which works like a surprise hiding in an eggshell.. the bulky armor that shoulders immense artillery is merely the shell to protect the true power underneath.. "

Seika grinned as she twirled her high tech swords in her hands skillfully. "This suit.. unlike your sad little borrowed prototype that merely has limited energy shielding and speed boosting.. increases my physical strength by a thousand fold.. I'm probably strong enough to kill all the Level fives on my own!"

"Tch.. brag all ya like." growled Mordred. "I'm gonna be King one day.. and a King who can't protect his Queen is worth nothing!! You can send a hundred. no.. A THOUSAND of your stupid men dressed in that stupid stripper armor.. and I'll cut em all down in an instant!! "

"Stripper armor..?" muttered Seika. "You're wearing similar armor you know that right?"

"A KING WEARS WHAT IS NECESSARY!!" stammered Mordred as she blushed slightly, attempting to hide her apparent embarrassment. "NOT LIKE I CHOSE THIS STYLE BOZO!!!"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now