The Mage Association

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The group ended up staying at the house for more than a day. In fact.. the situation with the Hound Dog Problem wasn't going to even go away even after that long. 

Saber didn't feel any problem with it. In fact, she was happy for some time to spend with her former master and Rin. 

And not to mention their adorable little daughter who seemed to have grown up on tales of her and was absolutely ecstatic to meet her.

And it also allowed her time to focus on Mikoto beginning to heal her bullet wound far better. Thanks to Rin's magic there wouldn't be scarring of course.

"I feel guilty.." Mikoto muttered as she sat at the dining table on the 2nd day, and Saber helped Rin make breakfast. "We had to delay the Fencing tournament because of me." 

"We can manage.. turns out the other school was glad to do it." said Saber. "One of their top players was injured recently as well."

"Really? Guess it all worked out then." Mikoto said.

"How do my old clothes fit? They okay?" asked Rin, looking at Mikoto.

"Yeah they're great." said Mikoto with a smile as she looked at the pink blouse and skirt she was wearing.  "Little.. girlier.. than I'm used to."

"I went through a phase when I was in middle school.. sorry my high school stuff seems to be a bit too big for you.. "

"Even back then.. you wore skirts year round?" Saber asked, looking at what Mikoto was wearing. "Even in winter?"

"Well yeah."

"How? Are you legs just magically warm and toasty all year round?" Saber asked. "I asked Shirou this same question once.. and we never figured it out."

"Er... to be honest.. I'm just very acclimated to my leg temperatures." said Rin.

"That's not much of an explanation."

"Well it's the explanation you're getting.'

"Is everybody still asleep by the way?" Mikoto asked as she took a sip of coffee. 

"Well you've always been an early riser." said Saber. "why?"

"I.. I want to make a special breakfast!" stammered Mikoto, going slightly pink.  "For Mordred.. because, she fought so hard to keep me safe, it wouldn't feel right for me not to pay her back somehow.. when Touma saved me and my sisters, Saten helped me make cookies... I.. I think Mordred's more of a big eater though.."

"You're right she is.. we share that tendency to devour large helpings of food." said Saber, feeling a sense of pride in Mikoto's kindness.  "I can teach you what Shirou taught me in the ways of creating food."

"Y-yes!!" Mikoto stammered, standing up abruptly and running over to stand between Saber and Rin. "What are we making!? What can I make that's super special!?"

"An American Favorite, we can do that.. a stack of Pancakes with whipped cream, strawberry syrup, and cheesecake filling." said Rin with a wink, bringing out a recipe book. "You do all the cooking, we'll provide all the help.. sound good?"

"M-ME DO EVERYTHING!?" Mikoto squeaked. "ER... er..."

"She's terrible at cooking.." Saber whispered to Rin. "Or so she tells me.. it might take a few tries.."

"Ahhhh.. how bad can she be?" said Rin with a wink. 

Mordred came out yawning a few hours later.. one of Kuroko's plushies that were decorated to look like Mikoto tucked under one arm.. and when she got out.. Uiharu, Rider,  Saten, and Raven were already out eating breakfast... but.. on the table as well was..

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now