The Attack Crash and the 2nd Ruler.

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"Hello!?" Mikoto pushed open the door of Rin and Shirou's house.. to find the lights off.. 

"No answer on the phone.. no answer here..?" Muttered Mordred as Mikoto walked in. "Weird.

Mordred was once more wearing her signature tube top and red coat, and Mikoto wearing a black t-shirt with yellow hearts and blue shorts, the two of them having stopped by a clothing store on the way back. 

Mikoto's 2 hours weren't up yet, so the Master Mark was still on Mordred's hand. 

"I can't sense any servants nearby.." muttered Mordred. "Howabout you? You still got your servant abilities at the moment."

"Nope.. not a thing." Mikoto muttered.  "No mages either.. this is wrong.. at least Arthur should be here right?  No answers on the phone... what the heck's going on? I mean.. if we were in Tokyo all along.. should Rin and Saber been able to find us..? Unless.. they were captured too.."

Mordred narrowed her eyes. "There's only one way we can find their location quickly.. We need a Ruler Class servant.. we need Jeanne."

"But she's ALSO missing!" stammered Mikoto. "We've got nothing!"

"Or.. maybe not.. you remember where all those boxes containing the charms that were supposed to go out to different new masters were right? From my mother's lab?" said Mordred.

"Right.. but there's no telling what Servant would be summoned." said Mikoto.

"Think of it this way." said Mordred. "Before these charms were used, mages instead used rituals to summon Servants, using an object related to the Servant as the catalyst. My previous master, Kairi, used a Piece of the Round Table to initiate my summoning. These catalysts are inside each charm.. I imagine something related to Arturia is hidden in your charm.. and something related to me is hidden in Touma's charm.  I don't know how Flass managed to be master to 2 servants, but there's only one charm per person.. and they can't be taken by Servants... so you and I can look at em without accidentally summoning the wrong one... we can see if I'll finds something related to a Servant that might be possibly ruler class.. of course.. it's all about picking the right master too.."

"Right master.. hmm.. who'd usually summon a Ruler Servant?" Mikoto asked.

"Somebody heroic.. righteous.. of course that also can result in Saber Servants.. but it's a risk we need to take." muttered Mordred.  "Know anybody we can use?"

"Uhhhh... yeah.." muttered Mikoto with a sigh. "But a bit of a warning.. he's annoying.. and we're going to have to go back to Academy City to find him.. I mean I don't find him annoying I actually think he's pretty cool.. and he has a good heart.. but I think YOU might find him annoying."

"Who?" Asked Mordred.


Mordred and Mikoto froze. They looked at the nearby closet where the sound had come from.

"Whose there!?" growled Mordred. "Show yourself!!"

The closet opened slightly, and a pair of feathery black wings unfolded to reveal Raven holding a fearful looking Saten in her arms.

"Oh.. thank goodness.. " Saten sighed with relief. "It's you two... OH GOSH IT'S YOU TWO!! WE'VE BEEN SEARCHING ALL OVER!!!"

"Misaka.. is okay.." said Raven with a teary smile. "I was so scared.. but.. where is the Saber one?"

"Uhh.. not sure.." Muttered Mordred. "Hoping you can tell us a bit.. but more interestingly.. how the hell couldn't we sense you?"

Mikoto crouched down and hugged Saten, looking relieved herself, before touching the Raven's glossy wings. 

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