The Things I do For Girls.

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"Easy... easy.." A Hound Dog Squad Leader led the way down the hall, holding his gun at ready, his other fellow squad members behind him.

As they walked down the hall in the industrial factory.. there were slight splashes.. as their boots met the pools of blood coming from the corpses of dead Hound Dog members.

A few of the other squad members looked uneasily at some of the corpses. One was completely missing a head... another was completely missing a top half of his body.. the other looked like it was just a human shaped stain covered in organs. 

"She's here.. or at least was here recently." said the Squad Leader. "Commander.. looks like the trail's fresh this time around.. though with the blood stench everywhere, the Ol Factory Detector's gonna have a tough time finding her.."

"Keep at it Red leader.." said Seika's voice in the communicator.. "Wolf Hound is standing by.. there's no way she could've gotten far.. in the meantime.. we've got other squads heading down the channel now to finish off Railgun.."

As the squads continued to spread out.. up in the metal rafters, Mordred sat, panting.. blood dripping over her armor. 

Even when she went all out against Seika, her Wolf Hound machine had  nearly torn her to shreds.

With long range attacks at such a wide area affect, not to mention with that level of destructive capabilities, Mordred couldn't even get close.. being mowed down like a flower in a blizzard.

So she had taken to attempting to buy Mikoto time instead.. maybe somebody would find her.. somebody who wasn't with these bastards... but it was too much to hope for..  and now they were going to find her.. just great..

Mordred took out her cellphone, which had a bullet hole in it.. of all the times she couldn't contact that idiot..  why did this have to be one of those times..?

Mordred gritted her teeth. As much as she hated to admit it.. she was at a disadvantage fighting that cursed machine.  Her priority now was keeping Mikoto safe.. She would NOT allow her to die.. EVER.. 

Then she remembered.. 

Academy City had an underground tunnel system. Originally it had been meant as a contingency in the advent of Earthquakes, but it had been converted into a mall after more and more stores moved into empty lots..

It was the perfect place to move around the city unseen.. and the Hound Dogs would be unable to get their vans down there to pursue.. not to mention that Wolf Hound seemed like it did better airborne. 

But how would she get there without others noticing? 

"HEY I SEE HER!!" roared an operative, pointing the flashlight on his gun at Mordred.

Mordred sighed. "Well ya HAD to be the opening line to your own funeral... "

Men screamed and bullets fired as Mordred landed in the middle of the squad.. slashing them all apart with ease.. 

After the men were dead, Mordred took off her blood stained armor in a flash of light.. and groaned as she pulled several bullets out of her leg.  Gunfire was so damn hard to predict and  catch.. 

"Damn it all.. this is going to be nothing but a huge pain.." Mordred groaned as she slashed up a hole in the floor and jumped down. 

There was nothing else for it, she'd have to dig her way through.  Mordred slammed her blade through multiple floors till she hit the basement.. and carved another hole in the ground..

Sure enough, she fell through into a large rectangular passageway, filled with dim closed shops and stores.. like a subway station.. only more commercialized. 

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Where stories live. Discover now