Mixed Emotions (10th)

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Some people's actions- they fill you with certain emotions. A smile fills you with joy, a glare fills you with confusion or anger. A hug is comforting, and a slap is shocking. But some unexpected actions are perplexing- they cause fear and joy at the same time.

An argument had broke out between (Y/n) and the Doctor. Don't despair- it was a friendly debate. You see, (Y/n) was absolutely convinced the Doctor had no chance of being pals with Benjamin Franklin. Feigning offense, he began to playfully argue with her- and soon, it turned into a bet.

"Fine. If you're so convinced about it- then why not take you to meet the man?" He finally suggested, not waiting for a reply before he began to hit buttons and pull levers wildly. The TARDIS jerked, and (Y/n) yelped in surprise at the sudden turbulence, falling on her behind as she scrambled to grip onto the closest rail possible.

It wasn't long after they arrived that the Doctor had pulled (Y/n)'s hand- it was time to run again. Later, she discovered there was a certain troubling incident he had completely forgotten. It didn't take more than five minutes before a mob of angry people began to chase the two straight out of Boston.

As they ran, they laughed. The Doctor released (Y/n)'s hand, and with a theatric battle cry, challenged her to a race.

Suddenly, the Doctor jumped out of his skin as a loud shot echoed in his ears and the ground almost right under his heel seemed to explode.  He laughed, and turned to gloat, when his hearts caught in his throat.

He watched as his dear companion crumpled to the ground, and he let out a roar. His eyes spilled hate, and his hands clinched with rage as he turned to her.

(Y/n) couldn't tell what was happening around her. The world didn't slow, it didn't happen quickly- but everything was blurry and confusing. She heard the Doctor- and she didn't know what to think. The howl he made- it was terrifying. It forced her to remember just how dangerous he was.

But at the same time, mixed with her fear was comfort. His cry reminded her of how much he cared for her- how much he would do to protect her.

She groped the ground around her with shaky fingers, trying to find some clue as to where he was. All she could pick up was the crunch of leaves and the stab of dead branches on the forest floor around her. 

When she couldn't find him, she began to feel dizzy. She couldn't focus on anything but her fear- it was the only thing to cling to as pain began to sink into her flesh.

She didn't know how long the Doctor had left her there- but it felt like forever as she cried, before her dreams came to rescue her.

The Doctor was terrified as he picked up her limp figure. He saw her breathing, he knew she was going to be just fine if he got to the TARDIS in time- but something about carrying her dead weight made his blood run cold. He hurried, trying to restrain his rage as he carried her to safety as quickly as possible.

Finally, once he reached the TARDIS, she flew her doors open with a dramatic flare, wanting to help the Doctor and (Y/n). After all, (Y/n) was one of the few companions she truly liked from the start.

The Doctor did his best, ignoring the fear of losing his companion. But- as he was left to his own thoughts, he found himself thinking. (Y/n) wasn't just any regular companion- the minute she agreed to travel with him, she became his everything.

At first, he found it was because she reminded him of Rose. It had scared him in the beginning, but the more he warmed up to her, the more he grew determined to protect her.

Her and those gorgeous (e/c) eyes- the ones that he wished he could explore. Her and that beautiful face, the perfect hair she kept groomed. But the more he thought, the more he strayed back to her eyes. They had shone brightly in the dark of his life, reminded him of all the kindness and mercy the world had. They were an example of the strength he had, and how he should use it to help as many worlds as he could.

Once he had finished, fully convinced that she was going to be alright, he gripped her hand, laid his head on her lap, and thought of all the ways to convey his feelings to her. Because he was going to make sure she knew how important she were to him. How important she would always be.

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