Wifty (10th)

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A blast echoed down the hallway, and seemingly in sync, the Doctor and Donna dove through the nearest doorway as fast as possible. Then, scrambling on their knees and hands, they both slammed the double doors behind them locking them without a second thought. They panted as they slid down the door and onto the ground. Finally, the sweet, tingly soreness could be felt seeping into their legs as they relaxed.

The Doctor closed his eyes, a few loud laughs slipping from his lips as his head went, 'thunk,' against the door behind him. Donna was quick to join in on the laughter, glancing at the Doctor's quaking form through her teary eyes. Several seconds passed like this, simple, loud and ugly laughter echoing through the room, before Donna was forced to gulp down oxygen. A couple more chuckles left their chests, before a gentle pair of footsteps caught their attention.

The sound of a nice voice reached both of their ears, calling teasingly, "Just the Doctor?" Immediately, the Doctor's eyebrows shot up into the air, and he bolted upright on wobbly legs, a bright, amazed smile on his face.

"(Y/n)?! Why- how did you get here?" Scrambling on his tired feet, excitement poured through every movement as he rushed forward to give the girl's hand a firm shake. "It's great to see you!"

"And you," (Y/n) grinned, looking over at Donna. "Didn't know if I should've interrupted your little laughing fit, so I waited a bit. Now, who's the lovely redhead?"

"Donna!" Said woman introduced herself, waving a hand before standing up, wiping her jeans off. "Nice to meet you."

"You as well," She greeted cordially, reaching forward and giving her hand a firm shake. A bang echoed against the doors, but the group did barely anything besides glance in the general direction of the noise.

However, very quickly, Donna's attention was snatched back to the beginning of this conversation, "Wait, I'm sorry, did you call him, 'Just the Doctor?'"

"I sure did," The girl grinned, glancing over to meet the Doctor's eyes. "Surely someone's done it before me."

A snort brought Donna's attention back to the gangly man himself, as he remarked, "No one's kept it up, though. Not as long as you have."

Smile brightening, (Y/n) stated, "Well, I guess I've made a world record, haven't I?"

This time, a series of bangs echoed against the door, but the Doctor simply chuckled, "More like a universal record." He shuffled around a bit, now standing right beside (Y/n) so he could keep his eyes on the door.

"Well, good for me," (Y/n) replied, once again meeting Donna's gaze with a smile. "Alright, now I'm curious. How'd you two wind up in this mess? I mean- I should've expected it, but really."

Donna laughed, throwing her head back as she pointed an accusing finger towards the Doctor, "That man right there, said he wanted to take me to a festival. He should've mentioned it was a cannibal festival."

"Well," The Doctor quickly jumped to his own defence, "Cannibal is a loose term, really."

A strange expression crossed (Y/n)'s face, and she turned to give him a look while stating, "No, no it's not."

Rolling his eyes with a sigh, the Doctor whipped out his screwdriver, before moving on from the topic, "How about we just blow this popsicle stand, and get back to the TARDIS?" He earned a couple nods of agreement, and smirked as he pointed his tool towards the doors.

"Sounds like a plan, Space Man," Donna quipped, moving herself behind the Doctor, already steeling herself for the long run ahead. She was dying to get her hands on a lemonade, anyway.

"Count me in, Just the Doctor," (Y/n) grinned, unconsciously leaning towards the Doctor just so she could hear the familiar whir of the screwdriver. And with that, the Doctor pressed a button and open the doors sprang. Without another thought, the trio rushed out the doors and straight past the cannibals waiting for them. 

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