Sway (10th)

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(A.N. Petition for me to cowrite for Doctor Who. //jkjkjkjk)

Think of that one song that always makes you feel at peace with yourself.

Words: 641

Gently swaying to the tunes, (Y/n) slowly waltzed herself across the room. One foot after the other, a gentle smile grew across her face. Sometimes, she would gracefully lift her arms up into the air with a little twirl and twinkle of the eye. Or, she would even tightly hug herself around the middle, slowly turning on the balls of her feet. She had never felt so graceful as her favourite, peaceful song quietly drifted out of her room and into the hallway.

The Doctor never would have noticed if he hadn't had the luck of passing by in that exact moment. He had meant to rush past, get to the kitchen and snag a snack before returning to the library. He even managed to run straight past the sweet melody twice- once empty handed and another with an apple tight in his grip.

At least, the second time, he did hear it. It just took a moment before his curiosity was peaked. Without even faltering in his strange, mad dash he turned on his heel and returned to the source of the graceful tunes.

Listening carefully now, he could hear a gentle humming. Gingerly, he pressed a hand to the door in front of him, causing it to slide open with ease. His eyes immediately filled with warmth upon seeing his companion daintily spin across the room. Her hands were out in the air, a happy smile upon her face as her feet carried her forward. Suddenly, an amused giggle left her mouth as she nearly tripped and fell over her own feet. Stumbling, she barely managed to catch herself before straightening up.

Running a hand through her hair, gently scratching her head she turned towards the doorway. For just a second, the delighted smile upon her face fell for a sheepish frown of embarrassment. But, not even a second later, (Y/n)- oh, the amazing (Y/n)- allowed herself to laugh at her own playful antics.

"Sorry," She apologised. "Did I leave the door open?"

"No, not at all," The Doctor was quick to reply, a bright grin upon his face. "And there's no reason to be sorry."

Tilting her head at him, she tucked her hands behind her back, "Well, if I didn't leave the door open, that must make you some sort of creeper."

"Oi, now I'm offended!" The Doctor laughed, tucking his hands in his pockets and swaying on his feet. The apple from before made a strange looking lump in his pants, forcing (Y/n) to smother a smug sneer. It may have taken her a moment, but her eyes soon met his again, and in almost a split second she seemed to jump forward in excitement.

Beaming, (Y/n) suddenly launched herself towards him, grabbing him by the hand and tugging him into her room. His fingers comfortably laced with hers as he let her lead him towards her dresser. Peaking over her shoulder as she came to a halt, he watched fondly as she unlocked her phone and began to scroll through her music.

"I'll let you pick a song," She began, turning her gaze to his as her eyes flickered between his. "But, you have to dance with me."

The Doctor already knew he couldn't say no- but the urge inside of him to play around with her was too strong to ignore. So, for a moment, he left her waiting for his reply. He pursed his lips, letting his head flop to the side slightly, raising a brow at her. Her own brows furrowed as she waited for a reply, giving his hand a slight squeeze.

The minute he began to straighten up, her eyes seemed to light up with joy. The Doctor couldn't help himself as he chuckled, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to the top of her head.

"You have yourself a deal," He grinned, bending over her to scroll through her music selection.

(A.N. What song do you think the Doctor would choose on your phone?)

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