Cozy (10th)

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(Once again, based off a dream. The Doctor really has to stop popping up in my dreams. It's getting creepy, dude.)

Words: 1732

It was a rare occasion in (Y/n)'s life. The Doctor was going to simply drop her off with her family for a few days, then come to pick her up and continue on with their adventures.

However, (Y/n) managed to rope him into coming to talk with her parents. Her parents knew exactly who he was, and just how special he was to (Y/n). So with open arms, they accepted the Doctor into their home.

At first, it was a nice chat and a breakfast of egg sandwiches. But soon, the Doctor found himself being invited to (Y/n)'s grandmother's birthday. It wasn't going to be anything special. Except, perhaps, for the long car ride to make sure the great grandparents were involved in the celebration of their daughter's birthday.

The Doctor's first thought was to deny the request. After all, it was a private family event. However, he glanced back at (Y/n)'s mother's glittering eyes and then to the hesitant eyes of the girl beside him. Thinking over the situation, he realised he couldn't deny an invitation from his mate's parents.

"Alright," He agreed to go. "When do we leave?"

With a great smile, Mrs. (L/n) stood up and padded off her lap, "We'll be leaving within the next hour, actually."

Then, she turned to her daughter and informed her: "And, this may be the last chance you get to have a nice picture with your great grandparents. I want you to dress nice. And by that, I mean please wear a dress."

"Great," (Y/n) sarcastically groaned. The Doctor chuckled at her antics, and reached over to grab her hand and give it a squeeze. A moment later, he was conversing with her father about his job as the girl bolted up the stairs. Her mother began popping pans that had previously been covered by cloth into the oven, before also disappearing upstairs.

The minute both women were gone, (Y/n)'s father let out a groan, "Oh, I wish you hadn't come today. (Y/n) always brags about all your antics and adventures. This is going to be very dull, I'm afraid."

With warm eyes, the Doctor laughed, "As long as I don't have to worry about getting my ear chewed off I'll be alright."

Then, both men seemed to calm and a comfortable silence settled. The Doctor took the time to take in all the little details of his mate's original home. His eyes settled on everything that even had a hint of having interacted with his mate beforehand.

He loved being in this environment. A comfortable family home was always going to be his favourite- he just wished he had enough patience to settle down and build a home like this of his own.

Barely ten minutes before the oven began to beep, the Doctor caught the voices of his mate and her mother conversing upstairs before wandering down. Oh, his breath was stolen by his lover.

A conservative dress fit her nicely. It wasn't flashy, barely any pattern or skin showed. As she walked, the skirt raised slightly and seemed to tease him with a little hint of her thigh. Thinking about it, he had never seen her in a dress before. Or at least, not a dress like this.

Flashing him a grin, she followed her mother into the kitchen and began helping pack things up to go. Standing to help, the Doctor stepped forward and grabbed all the filled bags of freshly sliced fruit and turned to Mr. (L/n).

"Where do these go?" He asked, before the man stood and grabbed some bags of his own.

"This way," He mumbled, leading him out to the car in the drive way. (Y/n) rushed forward to open the door for them, teasingly slapping the Doctor's leg as he passed. He tried to smother his laugh, but his sore attempt made him sound more like a goose.

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