Solivagant (10th)

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The Doctor's legs dangled uselessly out the TARDIS doors as he stared into the black of space. Normally, he would gaze straight to the stars and simply enjoy them. But in this moment, he couldn't help but stare into the darkness swallowing up the small lights as he listened to Rose cry.

He slightly turned to glance at her from the corner of his eye. She wasn't taking it any better than he was. The poor girl was sobbing, screaming into the TARDIS's console as she leaned against it on her knees. He didn't even try to stop her as she pummeled the ship with her fists with an angry red face.

With a deep sigh, he turned back to the void sucking at his legs. Slowly, he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees as he cupped his face. His hands were numb, and he could barely feel his own skin beneath them. Just for a moment, his face contorted into one of pain as he suddenly wiped his face with rage and grabbed onto the TARDIS's door frame.

The Doctor could no longer resist thinking of (Y/n). He thought about her personality, all her funny quirks and flaws that he loved. Then, he began to remember the most shocking day of his long, long life.

The day he had discovered (Y/n) was an ancient breed of Time Lord. Believing in evolution, he knew that his species had evolved to grow to the greatness Gallifrey had ever accomplished. So, it was always assumed that the older Time Lords, the prehistoric versions of his species were no more.

The Doctor had found her lost and utterly confused on another planet as she stumbled through the brush. He kept her around, trying to solve the mystery of the strange 'human' on the planet untouched by her kind. 

She grew a quick bond with Rose, and with the girl's help quickly learned the basics of living a human life.

However, soon the Doctor found himself in a tight situation. Hunters had pinned him down on a planet and trapped both him and his companions far from the reach of the TARDIS. His sonic screw driver had been thrown across the room, and protectively he shoved himself in front of the two girls. He kept his arm out, forcing them behind him as they quietly awaited the outcome of the night.

Immediately, the Doctor had assumed the hunters were after him. He offered himself, reasoned with them and warned against laying a hand on either Rose or (Y/n). But all he received in return was a few ugly cackles and snorts as the brawny men and aliens surrounding their corner and continued to point guns at their heads.

"We've got a bigger prize than you, mate," One of them had crowed as he cocked his blaster with a grin. The Doctor was stunned and confused, dropping his arm to give all the blood hounds an estranged stare.

"What could you possibly be after, then?" He questioned, freezing slightly as he believed he came to the only possible answer. "The TARDIS?"

Once again, he earned a bunch of ear-splitting laughs and even a snot bubble as one of the men snorted through his nose.

"No," This time, a shriveled up pig of a woman answered with a witchy grin. "We're after a (h/c) with (e/c) eyes. Travels with you, we know that. We also know just how slippery she is."

The Doctor's head swiveled as he turned to eye (Y/n), utterly perplexed before raising his arm to shield her, "What? What in the name of the universe could you possibly want with her?" 

He couldn't remember how they had escaped- he barely remembered much of the conversation that followed. However, his mind did retain all the information needed to understand her.

Just like him, (Y/n) could regenerate. However, not in the same way. Her body could only go as far as to make itself younger, so she would always have the same face. He remembered just how relieved he was at the fact, knowing he would always get to see her (e/c) eyes looking back at him.

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