Star (11th)

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(I apologise to anyone named Esther.)

Words: 2335

The stress of the Doctor's safety heavy on her shoulders, she let out a groan of frustration as a familiar ring tone cut through the air just barely heard over the TARDIS's sirens. The Doctor had previously been launched back and fell over the rail straight onto his head, and the woman was trying her best to reach him. His cry of pain caused her to flinch and it spurred her on faster.

Once she reached him, she answered the phone, "Yes? Hello? Mum! I can't talk- Yes, it's an alarm! No, I just woke up! Yes! It's very loud! Mum!"

The woman helped the Doctor shift himself onto his back, and then gripped onto whatever was close and held the Doctor in place as the TARDIS seemed to roll and almost send the two quickly sliding down her floors.

The woman's arm tightly wound around him, the Doctor was attempting to shove his pulsing head back into action.

"Esther?" He mumbled, eyes wide and a bewildered look dawning his face. Blatantly aware that her face was about two inches from his as she talked on the phone. Quickly, he decided to use the focus of remembering their meeting to get his brain in tip top condition.

Closing his eyes, he remembered the first time he ever saw her: A few seconds before their meeting, he accidentally parked in the middle of a side walk. He poked his head out, swinging the door open- BAM! Startled, the poor man jumped and yelped like a little girl. But to his surprise, it seemed he had only echoed someone else's. Poking his head around the door, he gasped as he realised he had just hit a young woman in the head.

The woman's (h/c) hair was splayed out across the concrete, and she was just reaching up to touch her forehead. However, the Doctor slammed the TARDIS door shut and in the speed of light was kneeling beside her. He caught her wrist, and gently began to coo at her as she groaned, seeming to calm her.

Her eyes were screwed shut as he very, very lightly brushed hair from her face to examine her head. Then, they suddenly opened for just a split second before blasting shut again. However, they were open long enough for the Doctor to catch a glimpse of beautiful (e/c) irises.

"You have lovely eyes," He complimented. "Can you try and open them again?"

"Ugh," The woman groaned, before sighing. Then, her eyes fluttered open. She flinched at the daylight, taking a moment to adjust.

With a grin, the Doctor gently laid her hand on her chest before hovering his own above her head, "Good! Now, can you look up for me?" Then, he gently reached forward to point her head at him. Watching closely, her eyes behaved normally.

Sighing with relief, he stated, "You don't seem to have a concussion. Now, what's your name?" He removed his hands from her, and then leaned back. She sat up with the room he provided, grasping the purse beside her tightly in her hand.

Letting out a puff of air, she looked up at the man before her, "You first." She suggested.

With a nod, he grinned and held out his hand for her to shake, "I'm the Doctor. Nice to meet you."

"The Doctor?" She inquired, tilting her head as she began to straighten out her hair. "Doctor what?"

Slowly, he frowned, "Don't you mean, Doctor who?"

Giving him a strange look, she rolled her eyes and muttered, "Yeah, sure."

He returned her eye roll dramatically and regained his charm, "Well, it's just the Doctor."

"Just the Doctor?" She sounded unimpressed, but he nodded in satisfaction.

"Yup!" He cooed. "That's it!"

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