Wendigo (11th)

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(A.N. I'm not too sure about this one.)

Words: 3698

Heat, burning and roaring pulsed through the air. (Y/n)'s tears were dried from her skin the minute they left her eyes- and her skin seemed to glow as the sweat flooded her pores.

Her arms stuck out, the hair upon them singed and burned as she held back a group of crying children.

"Don't move! Once it gets closer- don't move a muscle!" She warned, her voice quivering weakly. She could see the deranged soul ahead, creeping along a wall with slender, pale limbs. It snarled, arching it's back. If (Y/n) had wanted to, she could have picked out each and every one of it's vertebrae that stuck out from it's sickly pale skin. However, at the moment, she was more concerned about what the creature was circling- the Doctor.

He stood as still as possible, trying his hardest not to gasp for air as he inhaled thick, grey smoke. The man was scared- so scared of the creature that's eyes lit up with the flames around them. Wisely, he didn't even dare to move his eyes, despite the inner need to glance over to his companion and make sure she was unharmed.

But, before the Doctor could fear the sweat rolling down his face would give him away, the building around them creaked. The flames roared, the inferno and sparks flying up into the ceiling and dropping back down onto the floor. The creature wailed, looking up just in time to see a beam holding up the ceiling crash down onto it. It screamed and cried, long limbs smacking the floor around it until it died, body being burnt to ash.

The minute the creature was dead, the Doctor turned to his companion and the children she was protecting, and yelling with all the fury in his heart, "Get out! Now!"

No one dared disobey him, as everyone rushed past the searing heat of the flames and out the nearest door. (Y/n) stayed for just a moment, reaching her hand out for the Doctor. The minute he was close enough to snatch it, she tugged him out the door and into the snowy world outside.

Both the Doctor and (Y/n) faltered in their fast steps upon the cold air smacking them in the face. (Y/n) in particular froze on the spot, shock from the drastic temperature change forcing her mind into a place of confusion. The Doctor made a move to step around her, but the minute he saw her face he stepped back behind her, wrapping his arms around her figure and gently leading her farther outside.

"C'mon, we can't stop here," He whispered gently, face pressed against her hair.

As (Y/n) regained her senses, she couldn't help but look over in the direction of a crying child. It seemed that he too had fallen victim to the fire and ice, as he cried over his scraped knees and chin. His mother cooed over him, weeping as she cradled him in her arms and begged him to stop crying. Just in front of the two, (Y/n) could spy the back of a familiar figure-

"Doctor!" Clara turned, catching sight of the two huddled together. The Doctor stopped where he was, moving his hands gently up and down (Y/n)'s arms in an attempt to warm her as he watched Clara shuffle through the snow towards them.

"Are you alright?" Clara asked upon reaching them, reaching out a hand to (Y/n)'s shoulder. Without a lick of hesitation, she nodded.

"Yes," She replied, before asking, "How about all the people? I know the kids got out fine, but is everyone-"

A small, fleeting hope held it's place within (Y/n)'s heart. Desperately, she hoped that if everyone was safe, they could leave. But, before that hope could grow, Clara's immediate frown caused that dream to fall.

"No, there's still some people stuck down in the mines," Clara stated, now looking to the Doctor. "They couldn't get out before the creatures blocked the entrance. Doctor, they don't know-"

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