The End.

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Unfortunately, I believe this is the end of this book.

I hope you got a smile, laugh, snort, and tear out of anything you read- and thank you so much for getting this far and sticking around as long as you have.

I'm in college and just got my first job, so it's time to move on to the next step of my life. I can't wait to see what this regeneration has in store for me. 

Thank you for understanding and supporting me. This was a fun and exciting journey. I love reacting and interacting to and with all your comments. You guys have and are still giving me something to look forward to each and every day.

Thank you~

P.S. I really wish Doctor Who hired me. Let's admit it. I'd rock that job. Maybe, just to make them wish they had me, I'll come back every so often. But don't look out for it. I'll only appear when you least expect it.

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