Rejection (9th)

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(I wrote this when I was upset. It's not the best, I apologise.)

Words: 1766

The trip the Doctor had planned went wrong in just a simple second. Almost the moment he and (Y/n) had stepped out of the TARDIS, she was dragged from his arms screaming.

He didn't know where they had taken her, and the anxiety was killing him. With guns pressed against his back, he was directed down several large halls in the strange emporium. Desperately, he wished he could go back to the TARDIS and recruit Rose for help, but he knew doing so would also put her in danger. So instead, he prayed her free time in the TARDIS lasted long enough for him to solve this whole mess.

The strange aliens with the spotted orange skin and shrivelled limbs and faces threw him into a cell, screeching about their new catch.

The Doctor knew that once he got (Y/n) back, he was going to get an earful. He supposed he deserved it, the whole landing on the wrong planet thing was pretty bad. Quietly, he cleaned a spot on the dirty floor and sank to the ground as he patiently waited.

He still had his sonic screwdriver with him, and he could definitely free himself. However, without (Y/n) with him he was intimidated by the idea of escaping. So instead he waited for the leader of the aliens to undoubtably make an appearance and explain his "masterful" plan.

It had been a couple hours at this point, and the Doctor couldn't help but huff and hollered, "Oi! I've been bored for the last hour or so and you don't want to let me stay bored! Trust me! I'm warning you!"

Annoyed, he wrote in Gallifreyan on the dust covering the floor, writing random things that made no sense.

Finally, the door to the dungeon outside his cell opened up, and he launched himself to his feet.

"Finally!" He exclaimed. "It's rude to leave a guest waiting! A host too! Actually, it's rude to leave anyone waiting!" He threw his hands up in frustration as a wrinkly, fat, purple alien flanked by the ones he had seen earlier glided into the room on a metallic chair pushed by a yellow female of the species. Their tiny eyes surveyed the Doctor, before the purple one's face burst into a nasty, slimy grin that oozed.

With a snort that sent what looked like snot all over the floor, the alien laughed victoriously, "We have captured the last Time Lord! The Doctor himself!"

Licking his lips, he bellowed, "I will receive a fortune for this! How many enemies would pay for your head, hmm, Doctor?" Slime and snot oozed down his face, and the Doctor grimaced.

"You know, you got a little something... Everywhere," He mumbled, unconcerned. The alien didn't even budge, causing the Doctor to roll his eyes.

"Hey, did you even hear me, Raisin king?" He sighed, this time getting a confused head tilt from the female in charge of the large one's chair.

"I am more then a king. I am an emperor, emperor of the twin planets Trey and Tyra!" The purple one replied.

The Doctor nodded slowly, "Emperor, king, same thing to me. Oh well, "Emperor Raisin" has a nice ring to it." Suddenly, one of the guards flanking the emperor snarled.

"I have done research on planet Earth of the Milky Way. He refers to you as a snack, my Lord!" Immediately, the Emperor's eyes narrowed at the Doctor as he applauded the guard.

"Ah! Intelligence!" He cried. "Didn't think I would find that here."

"Enough of your blasphemy!" The Emperor seethed.

The Doctor only made a face and sighed, "Look, this whole situation- it's really not offering any help towards the alien stereotype. Seriously, have you seen Flash Gordon? The human's truly don't-"

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