Grisly II (10th, 11th, and 12th)

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(This is unedited. Sorry it's been taking me so long to update. I suppose I've run out of juice?     ... Yeah, probably not permanent. Just let me get back into my Doctor Who phase and you watch, I'll spam you out.)

(S/N) = Son's name

Words: 1267

Silence enveloped the TARDIS. One man in three different forms stared at the girl- no, the woman before him. Yet every body of his recounted the memories of when she was a girl. When he had rescued her- whisked her away from a loveless home and taken her all over the galaxy.

He thought back to all the things he taught her, all the little details of the universe very few people knew. Every bit of knowledge used to cause her to simply glow- but now, in this moment, as shock struck her cold, all she appeared as was dim. A pale, sickly tinge stuck to her cheeks, and her nose was red from crying. 

It pained the Doctor to see her like this. She was like a daughter to him, this girl- woman, he reminded himself again- was what he considered his biggest success.

A slight shuffling caught the man in the blue suit's eyes. Stiffly, he turned to look at his companion, she slowly, carefully stepped towards the broken girl- woman.

"Donna," He warned her quietly, pausing to see if (Y/n) would react to his words, but she did not. Donna looked up at him, giving a nervous nod, lifting up a glass of hot chocolate in her hands for him to see.

The Doctor couldn't approve of her actions, yet he allowed her to once again carefully pick her soft steps over to (Y/n)'s side. Three pairs of wise, old eyes watched as the red-head kept her distance, only awkwardly sticking out her arms to offer the warm drink to (Y/n).

Agonising minutes seemed to pass by, before the woman even responded to Donna's presence. Like an old, rusted machine, her head slowly, woodenly turned her head to gaze up with lost eyes at the other woman. Then, slowly, her eyes shifted down to the hot chocolate in her hands. She blinked, before softly untucking herself from the Doctor's coat to reach up with shaky hands and take the drink.

"Thank you," A quiet, hoarse voice peaked the ears of everyone in the room.

"It's not a problem," Donna replied, a small, relieved smile appeared on her face. Then, she wiped her hands on her pants, before awkwardly backing up. Clasping her hands in front of her, she glanced to the side.

The man who had accompanied her back to the TARDIS once again caught her eye. A natural frown and sad, steely blue eyes were all she could really take in about the man. But something about him- both he and the other stranger, were familiar. But she swore, she had never seen them before in her life. However, as (Y/n) quietly spoke up, her focus whipped to her. Any thoughts of who either the men might be flew straight from her mind- replaced with a blank hum.

"Once I became a parent... I knew I had to be better than my own," The sudden, soft, damaged voice was quick to gain everyone's attention. "I didn't- I didn't want my son to go through that feeling- that horrible feeling, where, uh- I just- I can't describe it. Where you hate yourself? Because you think that everyone else hates you?" Eyes flickering to the floor, a desperate gasp left her mouth. Quickly, she ran a hand down her face, temporarily covering her red, bloodshot eyes from view as her chin trembled. The man in the blue suit stepped forward, intent on holding her close- before the man in the tweed jacket brought a hand to his shoulder, halting him.

"I had one job- just one job. Protect my family, love them as much as I could," A wheezing sob left her mouth, her brows furrowed and face heating up in shame. "And I couldn't even- the- the last few days, I couldn't-"

The Doctor was desperate to be near her. In an attempt to hold himself back, he sunk to his knees, the hand around his shoulder tightening.

The grey haired stranger took a very careful, measured step forward as tears slid down (Y/n)'s cheeks and into her strained mouth, "You don't have to force yourself to tell us anything." He kept his voice quiet, gentle. For a moment he thought she hadn't heard him, before a couple more sobs fell from her quivering lips. Her breathing picked up, and she violently reached up to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks with her bloodied sleeve.

"The last few days, Chris and I- we were having- problems? I guess- But, um, things were getting tense. So, I- I-" (Y/n)'s voice suddenly sped up, choking on her words as she drove the words out of her mouth. "I distanced myself from them. (S/n)- he was getting so worried. He's so- he was so smart. And I- I didn't love them the way I should've. I wanna take it all back. I wanna take it back-!"

Suddenly, (Y/n) launched herself to the ground, straight towards the Doctor she knew. The mug in her hands shattered on the TARDIS floor, the drink inside spilling everywhere and even burning her legs- but she didn't care. Her hands latched onto his thin shoulders, even over the stranger's thick hand. It was clear she was battling with herself. She wanted him close, wanted him to hold her, yet she held him so far away with stiff arms. Her grip on him was painful, her fingers digging into his flesh and ripping away skin even though his clothes.

She bit her lip, cutting off another sob as her entire body seemed to tremble as she rocked back and forth on her knees, hands tightening even more around the Doctor's shoulders. Then, before either of them knew it she crumbled into his arms, curling up as silent, pitiful cries violently forced her to shake.

A miserable, pathetic wail left her lips, and Donna rushed forward, careful to brush the hair out of her red, angry face.

"Oh, honey-" She tried to get out, but she couldn't quite find anything to say. The Doctor tried his best not to tighten his arms around her, afraid that either she would panic or she would shatter as easily as thin ice.

The man in the tweed coat moved his hand from gripping what was technically his own shoulder, to the girl's hand. He gulped, glancing to the elderly man beside him, their eyes connecting.

Green eyes met steely blue, and they shared the exact same understanding, heartbreaking gleam. The man in the tweed coat sniffled, knowing all to well what it felt like to loose something so important. But the grey haired stranger could only frown, slowly backing up.

Without another word, he hesitantly turned to leave the TARDIS, a hand smoothly running across the familiar, old console.

Once he was out the door, the man cleared his throat, scouring through his memories to find the aftermath of this horrible event- finally, he remembered.

(Y/n) wouldn't quite be the same, but she would live a long life. The Doctor forced her to stay with him for months until he was sure she was safe with both herself and the world. Then, he helped her prepare a home. He visited her, every Sunday, and every holiday. She would even come to know him in his eleventh regeneration- and, she would even find a new family. It wasn't traditional- no, not at all. Instead, two broken souls combined to live together. They cried together, and the Doctor even watched as they laughed and grew interests he never imagined they would enjoy.

She would be alright, he repeated in his mind. (Y/n) (L/n) would be alright.

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