Grisly (10th, 11th, and 12th)

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(So I wanted to get this up for Halloween, but that didn't happen R.I.P. Just my luck I would nearly die Halloween day, too. Way to go, me. But, anyways, here it is. Please cut me some slack I'm still on puke brain.)

Mainly 10th Doctor

Words: 1800

The Doctor ran as fast as his legs could carry him- dodging trees as his eyes were glued to his screwdriver. A deep pit was growing in his stomach, a tightness in his chest. Something was sucking away at him from the inside- something evil and all-consuming. All the Doctor knew was that something was wrong. Donna thundered after him, barely able to keep up as she panted, screaming at him.

"What's the matter with you!" She cried after him. "Slow down, Doctor! How are you even tracking her?!" Her words were stressed and barely intelligible through her pants and the nervous quaking of her voice.

Suddenly, the Doctor skidded to a stop, eyes wide and mouth gaped. His vision was glued somewhere in front of him, and as Donna slid to a stop beside him, he whipped around to her. She flinched as he moved- the setting sun glaring in her eyes.

"Can you hear that?" He sounded almost as if he was in denial- but never the less, Donna took a deep gulp of air before swallowing her gasps in an attempt to hear. As her laboured breaths came to a stop, goosebumps rose on both parties' skin as they took in the sound of far off wailing.

Without a second thought, the Doctor took off again. He recognised that sort of cry- every single emotion behind it. Rage, sorrow, self-pity, loss, and guilt all grumbled up into one horrid, heart-wrenching sound- raspy and treacherous, pausing and undoubtably somehow muffled with tears the screams continued.

Donna tried to dart after him, however tripped on her own clumsy feet and cursed as she smacked into the ground.

"Doctor! Doctor!" She yelled as she shakily attempted to clamber to her feet. However, a hot pain in her ankle caused her to stumble back to the ground, collecting dirt under her nails and crunching the sour leaves beneath her hands. 

The Doctor was already far ahead of her- so far ahead she couldn't see him any longer.

And yet, a worried, shocked voice chimed from behind her, "Donna?"

As the Doctor ran forward, the wails and cries got louder. They were the cries of a familiar voice- a voice he knew very, very well. A voice he knew, that was in pain and utterly lost- the closer he got, the more his mind seemed to panic, the more his hearts seemed to steel themselves and tighten in his chest. Tighter, tighter they strung themselves- so tight now that if any pressure at all were applies they would begin to fray and tear.

As he approached the tree line, a figure caught in the corner of his eye. It was a man standing ahead of him, slightly stumbling out from the trees, limply stripping off a tweed coat before letting it fall to the ground. Another struggling step and the man himself fell- the Doctor ran up behind him, intending to help- before he forced himself to grab onto a tree and jerked to a halt.

His eyes widened- his mind froze, his body shook, and the howls of loss and misfortune seemed to make sense. Before both him and the strange man, there was a (h/c) girl sitting in the middle of a muddy road. Her clothes were ripped, her hair a dreadful mess and her face bright red and angry.

The girl- she was someone more important in his life than she had probably ever realised. A past companion he loved- adored, even. And it broke his hearts to see her the way she was.

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