Bits and Crumbs (12th)

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Words: 305

The little things were always what made (Y/n) jump for joy. Stuff that people normally would barely notice- a truly grateful thank you, a helping hand, compliments, a door being opened just for her- the things that should be seen more often in her world.

In fact, she was certain that little actions and words would always make her smile. But today- today was the day (Y/n) never expected.

She had begun traveling with the Doctor back when he had floppy hair and wore a silly bow tie- and stayed with him and his companion Clara through his regeneration.

When the Doctor first changed, (Y/n) thought she would never get used to the idea that the fez-loving dork was replaced with this seemingly new man. But she began to spend more time with him, giving up her normal life to completely move onto the TARDIS with the Doctor. Every time Clara would join them on an adventure she would take it to her complete advantage- talking over girly subjects that forced the Doctor to grimace and send them out of the console room.

And now, it was going to be a legendary day. The day (Y/n) never imagined would come with this new face- today was the day the Doctor expressed how much he enjoyed her presence.

Of course- he probably wouldn't have said it if he knew she was practically going to strangle him with a hug. The poor lad had no idea what he was getting into. But, he did admit (at least to himself) that he enjoyed seeing her smile in such a way.

And though he put on an act and tried to fight off her hug, he secretly fancied her arms around him. And very quickly, he made a permanent mental note to tell her just how much he appreciated her as often as possible.

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