Hatchling (11th)

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"It's been so long since I've been to a petting zoo," (Y/n) randomly sighed, stretching her tired limbs.

Curiously, the Doctor glanced up at her with a quirked brow, "Where did that come from?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

Settling down crisscross applesauce on the floor, she glanced up at him and shrugged, "I don't know, actually. Just kind of dawned on me, I suppose."

Suddenly the Doctor jumped in the air, before skipping around the TARDIS console and working his magic, "Well, it wasn't a bad idea, was it?"

"What idea?" (Y/n) asked, barely dodging a flailing leg as the Doctor whirled by her.

"Visiting a petting zoo!" He hollered excitedly. The TARDIS landed with a crash that caused (Y/n) to bounce on the ground with a huff.

The Doctor remained out of her sight around the other side of the console for just a second, before his head popped around to peak at her with a goofy grin. He held out his psychic paper, and winked at her as she giggled at his antics.

"Plus, we can go behind the scenes!" He exclaimed excitedly. Suddenly, he seemed to magically teleport beside (Y/n) and grabbed her hand. Yanking her up he was quick to drag her out the door.

In no time flat, (Y/n) found herself feeding a couple of goats. Having barely turned her back on the Doctor for a second, she jumped with a start at hearing his sudden cry. Turning around, she caught the lovely sight of the Doctor whining at a billy goat that was currently pulling on the Doctor's bowtie. 

"No! No, please let go!" He mewled sheepishly once he noticed his companion was looking. His frown deepened as the goat forced him on his knees. Uselessly, he attempted to soothe it by patting it's head as (Y/n) laughed.

Finally, after she got over her fit of giggles she walked over and traded the goat  the Doctor's bowtie for some actual food. The exchange was efficient, nevertheless the Doctor pouted for the next hour. He sulked and quietly followed behind the girl as she continued on to make friends with a pig.

After (Y/n) was satisfied with her bond she built with the pig, she dragged the Doctor over to a food stand. After choosing what she wanted, the Doctor disappeared around the corner, before reappearing with enough money for food and maybe a camel ride later in the day.

Ordering himself a soft pretzel, he joined (Y/n) as they sat and exchanged stories at a wooden picnic table.

"So, where are we?" (Y/n) asked him, before commenting, "Not your usual big, in your face trip."

With a nod of agreement, he gave a grin after swallowing a bite of his pretzel, "No idea, except for the fact we're in the United States. I let the TARDIS choose."

Snorting, she rolled her eyes, "Right. Should've known."

Once they finished, they rolled up their trash and had a mini competition on who could throw it into the trashcan better. Loser had to go and pick up any trash that either of them had missed.

Naturally, the Doctor won the friendly match with a cheer of victory. Groaning, (Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully and marched over to the trashcan. Watching her go, the Doctor smirked before turning around.

Suddenly, he spotted a nursery with an incubator in the window, "(Y/n!) I'm going to be over here, alright?" He called to the girl behind him. Glancing at her, he just barely caught her sticking her tongue out at him and snickered before waltzing off to the tiny building.

"Hello," The Doctor chimed, scaring a poor worker out of his mind. The young man had just exited the building and was heading to close the door when the Doctor had startled him.

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