Attachment (10th)

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Love came differently with all the Doctor's companions. She would waltz in and give him a hug, hold him at arms length and remind him of the family he once had. Then, she would disappear in so many horrible ways. Love left him, abandoned him so harshly that he chose to desert love before he would feel any pain. 

Sometimes, Love would come back. Differently from any other time he had seen her, as always. And this time, when Love made her appearance, she was so much different than ever before. Love had had so many different hair colours, different freckles and moles, but this time Love was blonde. Her skin was yellow, and she always caked on eyeliner. But nonetheless, Love stole his hearts. She kept them in the palms of her hands, leading him around with gorgeous laughs he couldn't help but adore.

Love was very different this time. Despite the early 2000s appearance, Love had a strong grip on both his hearts. He realised that the dozens of other companions had been close friends of his, and Love grew from friendship. But this Love grew from intimacy, and he craved her touch with every inch of his being.

But Love was ripped away from him. Thrown into another universe, before he even got to tell her the three special words held dearly in his hearts.

The Doctor swore off any Love that grew from intimacy after that. Of course, Love came back anyways. But this time, he didn't return her feelings. So, Love left him. And as she left, he officially closed the door. Love would have to earn his approval before she passed through the TARDIS doors again.

Finally, Love came back with a vengeance. She had a warning label in her red hair and a mouth that got them in trouble countless times. She once again earned a place in his hearts, but this time as a close friend. He revelled in their every ridiculous argument, and swore to her she was special.

But then Love was dying- and the only way to fix her, was to erase her. And once again, Love was gone.

But now the Doctor was more open to Love- he kept the door open just a crack, always waiting for her.

And finally, she made her appearance. She stumbled in through the crack, lost and slightly dazed. Even though she was so much different, the Doctor recognised her immediately.

(E/c) eyes and (h/c) hair, a strange smile and unique facial expressions captured his attention. Yes, this was Love.

Love grew in intimacy again. The Doctor would grab her hands at any random time, craving her touch once again. Love told him he didn't need to be afraid of his past, and Love earned his trust. Love taught him to always leave the door open, because he would never know when he needed Love.

"Why?" He would ask her, and Love would give him a smile.

"Because Love is rare, Doctor. And Love can heal broken hearts, so whenever Love stops by you should welcome her. Be happy while Love is there, because when Love is gone you might be sad. And what's the point in being sad if you never get to be happy?"

This time, the Doctor refused to let Love slip away from him. He held her close, quite literally, eyes never leaving her form. He walked eggshells around her, even as she got frustrated with being treated like glass.

But eventually, Love forgave him. She understood his fears, and she understood when he failed her. As he desperately clasped her close, eyes wide and sweat dripping down his temples, he begged her not to leave him again. He kept trying to pull her figure closer to his, but nothing worked. And eventually, Love's blood caked his hands, and even through her pain she reassured him.

"It's not your fault- it's not your fault," Love cried, (h/c) hair matted with sweat and (s/t) skin growing stark white.

But then Love died. The Doctor closed the door again, but the guilt of Love's teachings, (Y/n)'s teachings, forced him to open the door. Bit by bit, he let himself be happy again. And whenever Love would stop by, he would swing the door open with a smile, and say, "Welcome, come on in."

And when Love left, even though it hurt, he would tell her, "Thank you for stopping by."

(A.N.  Sorry if this was a little confusing. This was incredibly based off of a piece of poetry I found on Facebook at:

If anything, you should go and thank them for this chapter if you liked it. I wouldn't have written it without them.)

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