Abditory (11th)

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Words: 431

The TARDIS absolutely adored you. She fancied when your feet wandered down her halls. Loved the way you would brush your fingers across her walls; the sound of your laugh; and the way you would explore her.

In fact, if you were to ask the TARDIS herself who knew her halls best between the Doctor and yourself- she would answer you. But, she supposed it was a good thing she couldn't speak. The Doctor might just throw a fit at the idea.

Ever since you had started traveling with the Doctor, the TARDIS had begun to act up. She would whisk the two of you away to places he hadn't really planned on going. But, he was always happy in the end to discover that wherever the both of you would end up, you would quickly fall in love.

The TARDIS grew a strong link with you. Not a mental link- but she began to memorize you. She could scan you and figure out exactly where you wanted to be, whenever you wanted to be. If she could, she would take you there as quickly as possible.

The Doctor had never been more confused. The way the TARDIS would hum at your touch and seem to spoil you, it made him jealous. Sometimes, he would try to follow you when you aimlessly wandered into the TARDIS. But, she would always protect you and your secret spaces by leading him elsewhere, much to his confusion. 

Multiple times, he would discover you in the library or in the garden. But, most often you would completely disappear. It was always the TARDIS's doing.

She loved you so much- she created a room just for you. A room the Doctor had never seen- and unless you wished it, would never see.

The room was perfect for you- it was the home you attached yourself to as a child. The place with all the memories of fun and warmth. This replica was exactly like you remembered the original- not a thing out of place until you messed with it.

The TARDIS provided you with everything you could hope for. Anytime you went on a sudden spree for a project- she would provide you with the materials. The Doctor tried to copy you sometimes, he would ask the TARDIS for something small but useful. However, normally he would find no reply from her.

The poor Time Lord was going insane. Luckily for him, the TARDIS would always have a place in her halls for the both of you. Unlucky for him, she found it hilarious to tease.

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