Krampus (11th)

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(Hey, I just posted a Newt Scamander x reader book! Go check it out if you'd like :3)

Words: 1487

"This isn't very... Christmas-y," (Y/n) stated, her nose wrinkled in slight disgust at what she was seeing. The Doctor and herself had both wiggled through a crowd to gawk at a nearly silent parade. The only music that could be heard was, frankly, creepy.

Now, standing against a metal fence, they both stared as hundreds of people dressed as strange demon creatures made their way down the street. Some of them walked normally, while others stalked or creeped, pausing to mess with the crowd.

Every single costume had some sort of horn sticking up from the top of the head, and gnarled, disgusting teeth. Some had masks that completely covered whatever human face may have been hidden away, although a few people dawned prosthetics that caused (Y/n) to do a double take. Most of the figures carried whips, chains, or even bundles of sticks with them. One character had even splattered his bundle with bright red fake blood, and jumped out and scared a little boy who had been staring off into space.

It was strange- just above them, there were very pretty, sparkling white lights. And a heavy snow poured from the sky and covered ground and furred costume alike. It was almost like watching the Nightmare Before Christmas. Was it Halloween the time for spooks and fear, or Christmas the most joyous time of year?

"Ah, well, it's Christmas in a way," The Doctor explained, shouting slightly over all the jangles of the metal cups around the waists of most costumed figures. "Just a little bit of the opposite idea, really."

"Well, where are we? You said we were going to start getting ready for the Christmas spirit," (Y/n) questioned, reaching out to grasp the sleeve of the Doctor as a masked figure jumped towards them, startling the pair.

"Krampuslauf Graz, December fifth, year two thousand and ten. We're in Austria," The Doctor stated. "This holiday in particular is more commonly known at Krampusnacht. It's mainly celebrated in Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. But, I must admit, I've only seen the celebration a couple times before this."

"Are you admitting it's not your favourite, then?" (Y/n) asked coyly, raising her brow at the Doctor. Immediately, his gaze whipped to hers and he ripped his sleeve from her grip in mock offence.

"No! Absolutely not what I was saying," He shouted, drawing the attention of a few of the strange  creatures making their way down the road. A sheepish grin fell upon the Doctor's face as they began to creep towards him, and immediately, he began to stumble away.

"Would you like to track down a cafe, (Y/n)?" The Doctor nervously stumbled over his words, grabbing her hand and attempting to pull her away from the costumed man that crept closer and closer. "We can get you hot chocolate, if you like!"

"Aw, Doctor!" (Y/n) exclaimed with a laugh. "Is the big bad TimeLord scared?"

She watched as his brows furrowed, and his face began turning a bright red as a frown grew across his face.

"Yes! A little!" He yelled defensively, before gripping onto her wrist even tighter than before and tugging her through the crowd.

Just as the pair breached the group of people, a little boy shot past like a bullet. He wore a bright, neon yellow beanie, and a dark grey coat with a hood lined by fur. His snow boots were obviously too big for him, and he stumbled and tripped several times as the Doctor and (Y/n) watched him run by.

But, something the Doctor noted, was that the little boy was absolutely terrified. There had been tears streaming down his face, and his cheeks were turning purple from cold and stress. There were a few scrapes across his face, as well- deep enough to make small beads of blood slowly run down his chin. 

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