Why I Don't Write Smut

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I have been asked over and over again why I don't  lean towards the sexual part of fan-fiction.

I'm really just coming to understand it and realise what it means-

but I'm coming to terms with the fact that I am asexual.

I'll try to keep this story short, but for years now I've been waiting for something to just click in my brain. I've been waiting to feel some sort of desire towards anything I normally see people wanting- but it's never happened. Ever since I was about nine years old, I said that I wasn't going to date or get married to anybody.

However, when I was eleven, I decided to give my current significant other a try. We've been together for either a little under or over six years now. Literally, on the same night I'm posting this- November 27, 2018- I confessed to this boy that I've never really experienced any actual desire for any sort of sexual activity. We're definitely going to go through some rough patches because of this.

I watched all the other girl's fall in love- and yes, I am in love with my significant other- but no, I have no interest in having sex with him.

I thought it was just a part of my Christian upbringing, or the fact that I stick pretty closely to Christianity itself. But it's basically just a part of who I am.

I brought it up with my mother, and discovered that it's a common thing on her side of the family. We don't have the regular hormones- although, as my mom stated, starting on birth control helped her a bit. However, she did state she still has no sex drive.

I'm sorry if you want me to write something that's literally anything but fluff with the Doctor. But I actually just don't understand what it feels like to really want something like that.

The best analogy I've ever heard to what it feels like, is this: It's like being hungry, but not having a desire to eat.

Thank you for understanding.

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