Freshman,Fresh Start

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I stood infront of the mirror while observing myself in my work suit or at least to me its one of my work suit.Its a proper clothes but not too flashy because the last thing that I want was to attract people's attention like the last time.

I was walking to my part-time job work which is a nursery care,that took almost 1 hour for me to reach my destination from my living place.

I wore a very formal attire that is a pastel pink office lady clothes and its below my thigh length that goes along with my fiery red flat high heels shoes.

I cannot forget the moment where the person who works there asked me this question;

"Are you lost child?"he ask me and I was paralyzed by the question.

Child?Lost?Lost child?Yeah I gotta admit that my height was not that tall but that doesn't bother me much till his next words.

"Oh,I'm sorry,I thought you were a cosplayer kids or some students who is on an act"he laughed nervously and I sweatdrop.

I shake my head from the memories and puff my chest with determination.

"Not today,today is my day and besides,flashy was never in my terms after all so lets just wear something simple today"I nod my head with determination as I told my reflection in the mirror.

"Okay!Lets start our new day with a new positive thoughts!"I throw my fist to the air as I leave my apartment for my new work.

I put both of my hands into the pocket of my vest to prevent the chilly air freeze my hands as I strode along the path to my new work.

Luckily I have taken my breakfast beforehand so not just to fuel my day but it supply me some heat in this cold weather.

Not long then,I finally arrived.I am now standing infront of a big white building that seems to towering over my small body.If the building had a face,it might have intimidate me with its scary face and its height.

I shake my head at the thoughts and proceed forward with full determination.This is the time,this is my chance and I'm not gonna run away from it now.

As I walk into the building,the door automatically slides open as the cold air conditioner blow right through me which almost made me shiver in my vest.

I toughen myself up and move towards the front desk where a lady with a brunette hair and her friend with a black hair sit there,probably they're the ones who was on duty at the front desk around this time.

"Umm,hello,excuse me,my name is (R/F/N) (R/L/N) and I'm a practical doctor here"I gather all of my courage to ask them.

Both of them notice my prescene and they gaze at me before they flash me a friendly smile.

"Oh!You're the new doctor who is assigned to New Day Hospital,right?"the brunette hair lady exlaimed with excitement.

"Hehe,yes thank you but I'm not a doctor yet though,I'm just a practical doctor"I laughed nervously and they smiled at me.

"Well,its a pleasure to meet you (R/N).My name is Nami and this is Robin"the brunetter hair girl introduce herself and her friend beside her.

"Welcome to the place (R/N)"the black hair lady,Robin who I not mistaken her name was,smiled at me as she greeted me.

"Ah,thank you and its a pleasure to meet you too Robin-san,Nami-san"I bowed my head a bit and Nami cut me from doing it.

"No need to be so formal!We're just the same age with you after all!Besides,we're like friends now!"Nami winked at me as she give me an assuring smile.

I looked at them with a surprise looked till they smiled at me.I couldn't help but to smiled at them back too.I didn't expect them to be so friendly and even thought me as their friend even though we just met.

"Thank you,I hope we do get along"I smiled at them.

"Hehe,its nothing!I sure hope so too!"Nami exclaimed cheerfully at me.

"By the way,(R/N),who are you assigned to?"Robin changed the topic of the coversation.

"Oh right!I almost forgot!If I'm not mistaken,I was assigned under this person's name that goes by Trafalgar.."I trail on as I try to remember the person's name that is just by the tip of my tongue but I just can't seem to mutter it out.

"Oh!You mean Torao?"Nami cuts my word and I was more confused.

"Eh?T..Torao?Is that his name?"I looked at her with a weird and confused look till a deep voice interrupt us.

"My name is Trafalgar Law and not Torao,Nami-ya"the person's voice spoke up and they sound irriated judging from the tone of his voice.

I turn to the source of the voice and saw a tall and lean guy while wearing a doctor's coat.He looked a bit pissed off,or rather,a lot to be exact.

"Nice timing Torao!(R/N) here is gonna be under your assitance now!"Nami simply shrug the angry looking doctor with her cheerful smile.

Decide that he didn't want to argue with the brunette hair girl,he shift his gaze to me which makes me tensed up a bit by his deep gaze.

'This guy is scary..Its like he can eat me up at any moment..'I mentally sweatdrop as I try not to imagine gory image inside my head.

"She is new here Torao so please be nice to her"Robin interrupts the tension between us and I mentally sigh in relief that she spoke up.

"Fine,follow me"he just gave a short sigh as he gesture me to follow him.

"Thank you again for everything!"I bowed my head in a rush towards Nami and Robin as I left to catch up to the doctor who seems to be still in a bad mood.

"Hehe,she is a nice person isn't?"Nami smiled to herself.

"Yes,I hope she can keep up with our grumpy doctor"Robin laughed quitely to herself but soon her brunette friend too joins with her small laugh before they get back to their duty.

I wonder how things gonna work out for my first time of being a practical doctor and how much commitment does it take for me to attain the true title of being a doctor?

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