Black King Protects The White Queen

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Everyone's eyes widen with rage and shock. Their friend were kicked afar mercilessly. Everyone tried to push Cero and Azu back with their sheer will. Even the fallen boys were filled with pure rage that their eyes only focused on the two new enemies that just hurted their beloved friend.

Law and Luffy took on the gravity girl; Azu while the others tried to took on Cero whose ability is yet uknown.

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My consciouss started to awake me from my earlier knockout. I turn my body and lay my back on the cold snow as I breath out my pain from my stomach. I couldn't move much because it hurts more by the minute, everytime I tried to move so its better if I just lay myself down for a while. I glanced to my side and saw they were fighting with Cero and Azu.

I frowned. I got to help them but I can barely move. My abdomen must be swollen by now and better I don't see it despite my urge of wanting to see how bad it is. Then, I saw Dofflamingo lying beside me. He was looking at the  sky and I think he is awake even though I can't see his eyes while he was wearing his shade.

I pushed myself to stand up but it hurts so much that I end up sitting upstraight only on the ground and I stared at the pink fluff.

"Doffy, we need your help." I said and he glanced at me. "Why should I even help you? We're enemies, or you still don't realize that?" he sassied me and I frowned but I just glared at him.

"Well, your partner just betryaed you, might as well help your enemy right?" I barked at him back and he just glared at me till a big grin plastered on his face. "You either an idiot or something else to be working with a murderer. he laughed in an amused tone and I glared at him. "If you meant by family, I know its not you. Even though I remember your pink coat back then during the incident but I know deep down it wasn't you. Even if it is, its in the past now and theres nothing I can do, but now, I have a family that I want to protect so please, Doffy, you need to help us." I reason with him and his grin disappeared.

He stood up, dusting off some snow from himself. I just watch as he stand up, then he holds out his hand toward me.

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What a determined girl. Probably an idiot like her friends but she doesn't seem to be fazed by the fact that Cero killed her family. I don't know how she knows it wasn't me but I'm amazed that she managed to accept it and move on from the past.

Like I said, an idiot but, not quite bad an idiot for herself. She was a completely different little girl compared to back then, when I saw her climbing with her family. One thing doesn't change; her smile. The same bright as always. I helped her stand up, even though she was hesitate for a moment but decided to trust me.

Her smile never changed, even now. This stupid little girl is smiling in relief. What an interesting little girl. It seems I'm as the main black piece should protect my enemy's queen isn't? Seems like you know it from the start isn't, Law? Cero and that women Azu has messed with the wrong person. Well, might as well help them if I want to take them down, after they betrayed me. Now, they're gonna get it.

"If you want to defeat them, you need to know their ability so far." I explained to her and she looked confused. Was she trying to be cute in the middle of this situation or is it just her face like that?

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"Do you know their abilities?" I ask him and he just grin at me, not sure whether its a happy one or the other way around 'cause his smile is usually hard to predict. "How can I partner with someone if I don't know who they are? The both of them are what you see the after-result of the newly experimented devil fruit power, so far." he explained and I pondered on his last word.

"So far? What about the others?" I asked and his smile fades. "Dead." was all he said and my eyes went wide. He experimented a lot of them before and they all died? How cruel.. I wanted to beat him right now if I can but I have to push the feelings aside if I want him to help us.

"Azu's power is basically gravity control and Cero's power is a unique one; he can neutralize a devil fruit power." he explained. My mouth went a jar. Is that even possible? Well, if he experiment it then I suppose there is that possibility but seems like it backfired him.

"But, every devil fruit power have their own weaknesses right?" I point out and his grin went wide, as if I said something interesting to him.

"You're smarter than you look, little girl. They have weaknesses of course and that is where you will come in." he grins more and I stare at him in confuse. Me? What can I do?

"Azu is a very cautious one but I'm sure your friends can handle them, but for Cero, he has this big spot that he forgot to cover." continued Doffy more. I listened attentively to his plan.


It was a wild battle. Everyone gave their best attack at them but they always avoid it, everytime they throw an attack towards them. Everyone was almost out of breath. Cero was almost to deliver a deadly attack towards Luffy and Law but was deflacted by another attack.

"Ahh, Doflamingo. I thought you couldn't move anymore.... What's this? Heh, I'm amazed (R/N), you can still move despite the blow that usually could paralyzed any people but you, you are something. Now this is interesting." he cackled. I clenched my fist out of nervous, trying to control my feelings from bursting out. I need to be calm. I can't let his taunt faze me. Stay calm (R/N). Everyone was standing still till Cero make the first move to attack Doffy and me but Law teleported us in an instance, a few seconds away before Cero could smash us with his invisible attack.

"T...Thanks Law" I panted nervously as I landed in Law's arms. He putted me down slowly onto the ground while Doffy landed on the ground on his feet. Somehow seems displeased. "(R/N)! Are you okay?!" yelled Luffy and I replied him that I was alright, thanks to Law fast action. "(R/N), can you help the others? We'll handle Cero here." said Law with his long sword readied on his side. Luffy stood beside him and for a moment I could saw mysterious light shines behind them. I'm not sure why but I felt amazed and glad by their presence. I glanced to Doffy and he stared back at me. I nod my head as I start running towards my friends to help them take on Azu.

'Please, be safe you guys!' I thought to myself as I aid my friends. Azu, the gravity manipulator. The cautious one but every devil fruit bearer has their own weakness and they can never escape from it; their character.

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