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"Oh!Morning guys!Didn't expect to see you guys this early!"I greeted them with surprise and happiness in my tone.

The three just smiled at me warmly till Luffy and Law came from behind me.

"Who is it(R/N)!"exclaimed Luffy excitedly and he hung his one arm around my shoulder as he peek beside me.

"Oh!You two are still here?Haha,sorry,we must have interrupted you guys"Nami,Robin and Perona laughed quitely while she raise her eyebrow suggestively towards me.

I was so slow to pick up what she meant till I glance at Law and Luffy.My face explodes with embarassment as I yelled outloud.

"W..What..!W..We're not doing anything like t..that at all..!Honest!Don't you guys have anything better to do than thinking those stuff in the middle of the morning?"I try to counterback them while Robin and Perona just snickered to themselves.

"Well~How could we~?It's not like you see it everyday right?"Nami winked at me as I feel her words almost like stabbing me in the feels.

Ohh!My heart!My poor poor heart!She is good...I imagine narrowing my eyes at her while my face are red as a tomato at this moment and it didn't help more with Luffy keep poking my red cheeks saying am I sick and stuff.

"Either way,what are you guys doing here again?I hope it's not just to tease me isn't?"I shoot them a glare as I silently pray for it to be wrong.

"Horohoro,of course not (R/N)!"laughed Perona and I shift my glare to her suspiciously.

"Hehe,it's true dear.We're here because we wanted to invite you exactly but since you guys are coincidentally here,we wanted to ask you guys whether you guys wanted to join us too"smiled Robin and I raise my eyebrow toward her.

"Where are you guys going?"Luffy cut me off before I could even ask them but that's okay since I'm quite curious too.

"Hehe,we're going to the carnival of course!"squealed Nami happily and Perona continue Nami's word after that.

"The biggest carnival is going to be held at the Saboady District and there's gonna be many kinds of events and games at the carnival too!"I just smiled at the two hyperness while Robin has this calm smile on her face as always but somehow I got the feeling that the calm lady is also hiding her excitement behind those graceful looking smile.

"So,what do you guys say?Wanna join too?"the brunette hair girl grin at us and I just shared this knowing look with the two males beside me.

"Hehe,of course!"me and Luffy cheered at the same time while Law just sigh despite that deep down he won't ever admit that he wanted to tag along too.

"We're going to the carnival!Yay!"Luffy cheered happily while hanging his arm around my shoulder.

I just giggled while the others smiled watching at us,jumping up and down like children.

"Well,aren't we going?"Law cut our jump and all of us glance at him.

"Oh,someone seems excited for it~"Nami teased the doctor and Law's face turn red.

"Tch-W..What are yoy talking about Nami-ya?I'm just implying that if we want to go there,we should be there early so there won't be too much people by the time we arrive"Law covered up his embarassment and I just giggled along with Luffy while the other girls just laugh at poor Law.

Law just face away as he tried to cover his red face with his spotted hat.

"Tch,come on,we're gonna be late"I was suddenly pulled by Law and I almost trip by his sudden pull.

"W..Woah!L..Law..!"I called out to him but he just kept on pulling me while Nami,Robin and Perona giggled among them.

"Hey!Wait for me!"Luffy exclaimed as he catch up to us.

●Time skip●

"Woah!This carnival is huge!!"Luffy exclaimed in amazement while his eyes were filled with stars of awe.

I just laughed at his adorable expression while I stood beside Law.

"Well,everyone is gonna join us soon so how about we enjoy ourselves first while waiting for them?"suggested Nami and each of us exchange glances and grinned as if each of us knew the answer already.

"Let's go!!"the 5 of us screamed while running towards the carnival;except Robin but she manage to catch up to us despite she just walk behind us.

It was really fun.We tried some food from the stalls and even tried the games there.We went to ride the roller coaster,we played the shooting game and others!The others also joined soon afterwards and played with us too.Even Shanks,Mihawk and Crocodile came too.

"Shanks!Mihawk!Croc-y!"I exclaimed happily just as I saw them.They noticed my figure running toward them and Shanks run towards my way too as both of us crash into a big hug.

I laughed and giggled as I was embraced by the red haired male while the other two follows behind him.

"Ohh!I can't believe that we got to meet you guys here too!You seem to be growing well these days (R/N)-chan!"Shanks laughed whole heartedly toward me and I just giggled at him.

"Hehe,great to see you guys here too and I see you are doing great too Shanks!"I smiled at him and he just grin happily back at me.

"Shanks!"I heard Luffy's voice behind me and both of us glance behind me.

"Ohh!Luffy!Is that you?"exclaimed Shanks as both of them engaged into a cheerful conversation just as they both saw each other.

I just laughed till I felt a prescenes beside me.

"Mihawk!Croc-y!So glad to see you guys here too!How are you guys doing?"I asked the two male who is standing next to each other.

"I'm doing good,thank you for asking (R/N)"smiled Mihawk although it wasn't visible but I could tell he was smiling.

"I'm doing great,thanks for asking.Didn't expect to see you here though"asked Croc-y and I just crossed my arms over my chest.

"What?Are you saying I can't have fun too?"I glared at him and he just chuckled to himself.

"Not really"he replied and I puffed my cheeks angrily.

"Rude!"I hit him but alas,it didn't effect him in any way and this make the big guy laughed more at my small petite size compared to him.

"Oh,I was looking for you (R/N)-ya"I heard a voice called out to me so I stopped hitting Croc-y and turn around to face the person.

"Law!"I exclaimed as I saw hin holding some tickets in his hand.

"Mihawk-ya,Crocodile-ya"Law said with a monotone voice as he glance to the two male behind me.

"Didn't expect to see you here Trafalgar.I thought you hated this kind of stuff if I'm not mistaken"said Croc-y.

"Funny,I could say the same too to you Crocodile-ya.Aren't you not into this kind of social stuff either?"Law backfired his question and I could almost feel the spark of hatred between the two as their glare intensifies between them.

"Gentlemen,aren't we suppose to have fun today?I assumed both of you won't fight especially in this kind of moment"luckily Mihawk was there and cut them off before one of them start ripping each other out.

I sigh and relief and thanked Mihawk as he just smiled and tipped his head.

"Now!Come on!Aren't we going to the haunted house now?"I gathered their attention and start heading to the destination.

While we were having fun,a certain shadow lurks around the sea of humans and the person watch all of us,observing for any openings.

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