The Daughter of Whitebeard

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'What's with all the commotion out there?'I thought to myself.I start heading out from my room and went to ask Pops about it.

"Hey,what's going on Pops?"I asked out loud and when the sleepiness is off from my eyes conpletely,I just realized that all eyes were on me,especially new people.

My eyes then landed on a pair of (e/c) who is staring right into mine.The eyes that hold tears from falling from her eyes but behind those tears,I saw beautiful eyes.Our trance were suddenly broken by Pops voice.

"Ahh,Ace,good timing.They are here to ask for some help and I think that you and Marco can give these fellas a hand on their journey."said Pops.

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My eyes went wide,not believing what I just heard.I glanced to Whitebeard and I saw he was grinning widely at me.I smiled at him while tears falling down from my face.The tears that I didn't knew I was holding for a while.

"Thank you so much Whitebeard..!"I bowed gratefully to him and suddenly he spoke again which caught me off guard with his words.

"Call me Pops.You don't have to worry about the payment (R/N).Your determination alone is something to be proud of.I would like you to be my daughter (R/N)."Whitebeard hold out his big hand to me for me to take and I just glance to his hig hand.

"Does that mean I'm apart of your crew then?"I look up at him."No,you are not and you don't have to.Become my daughter and live your life as you like my child.I am sure your friends that you call as your family will need you after all."he smiled at me and I smiled brightly at him as I gladly take his hand.

He raise me up and put me beside him,on his right arm chair.Everyone then start cheering on me which makes me more embarrassed,standing beside Pops.

"Ace,Marco,prepare yourself for the journey.Help my daughter and her friends with their journey."Pops said proudly and the two of them nod their head.

"Thank you,Pops."I smiled brightly at Pops and he just grins widely at me.I then jump down to meet with my friends and I was greeted with a big hug by all of them."Hehe,thank you everyone!"I said,while laughing to myself,in the center of the hugs.

"Hehe,you rascal!You made us worried there for a moment you know!"Nami laughed and smacked my shoulder playfuly.I just smiled sheepishly at them.

"Good job (R/N),we're so proud of you.We knew you can do it."Shanks praised me and my cheeks were blushing madly from his comments but I just smile at him and thanked him. The others were also praising me and amazed at my bravery yet selfish act. It was a long shot but I had to do it and I'm glad it turned out well in the end.

"So where do you guys going after this?"Zoro asked out loud and everyone's focus shifted to Mihawk and Shanks."Well,we're going to meet with the upper government and supervise them.We will try to help you guys in any way we can."Shanks explained and Mihawk handed Zoro a denden mushi.

"You'll need this.This is a specialised one.It can withstand any harsh temperature and less exposed to any damage but take care of it.We will inform you anything new from this denden mushi."explained Mihawk,Zoro then handed to Usopp.

"Oi,oi,why are you giving me this?!"Usopp exclaimed loudly."Tch,just keep it.It's better you than me or I'll lose something as small as that.I don't like keeping things on me."said Zoro while trying to sound cool but then Sanji picked on him so the both then start fighting again which as usual Nami handles it.

"Yohoho!This is exciting!It's been quite a long time isn't?"Brook laughed happily and all of us nods our head in agreement."That's right.Now we can fight them with all we had and go wild!Auu!"Franky said with a hopefuly and excited tone while posing his famous pose again.

I just laughed at their ecstaticness. "Well, this is gonna be fun. I didn't think I would be meeting you guys sooner." a voice said from behind me which, almost startled me. "Ace!" everyone yelled in unison. I turn around and only to be met with a cowboy-looking guy with no shirts on, just pants. Oh, wasn't he's the guy that I saw earlier? Does he like cowboy? I guess that explains his attire but don't they wear clothes too?

"Hehe, nice to meet you miss," he suddenly holds his hand out for me, I instantly snap out from my trance and shaked his hand which is a bit bigger than mine. "N..Nice to meet you too..!" I said, trying to cover up my embarassment. I didn't realize I was staring at him for a while. I just hope he didn't think I was a pervert or anything and better, I just HOPE he doesn't notice my stares earlier. He just smiled at me and I couldn't help but to smile back. 'He is really nice..' I thought.

"Ace! It's so good to see you!" Chopper exclaimed as the little guy went closer to him, standing beside me. Ace just chuckled and shook the little guy's hoof. "Yeah, it's good to see you too, Chopper! I see everyone is in a good state!" said Ace, with a lazy grin on his face, complimenting his freckles. "Of course! We're glad that you will help us!" said Vivi. "All thanks to our little girl, (R/N). If she wasn't here, I'm not sure we could succeed in this," praised Shanks, putting his heavy hand on my right shoulder. I just laugh sheepishly.

"Come on, you guys are making me embarassed here.." I said with my face all red as a tomato now, just like Kid's hair. Everyone insist that I did great and all but honestly, I was starting to get worried back there if my actions were right and it's all thanked to everyone that I got such a courage.

"Ahh, you're the girl that Pops like isn't! Sorry, but I don't think I got your name again miss?" Ace looked at me with his friendly smile again. Why is my heart beating so fast?

"O..Oh! It's (R/N)! It's really nice to meet you Ace," I said, feeling slightly embarassed with my stuttering. Now, where did all of the earlier courage went to when I need them? "Hehe, she is a great doctor, trained under Torao, Ace and she is also one of Luffy's favourite~ They had something for this girl here~ Honestly, I think she has many boys crushing on her~" Nami cuts in, with her arm slinging around me. That's it, my face is officially red by now, I can tell just by the heat raising to my face.

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She looked really adorable with her face all red and flustered. (R/N) was it? She had a nice name too, it fits really well with her... I'm pretty envy of the two but I can't show my feelings much or I'm sure I'll scare her more than love. Wait, what am I even saying? I can't be in love with her right? I just met her! Yet the way she laughs and stutters were all a compliment to her beauty. I feel this weird feeling inside of me everytime I look at her.

Gah!I wish I could tell her how beautiful she is!But I know she probably, most probably friend-zoned me...I mentally sighed at the thought of it so the least I can do is protect her and be there for her and also the others of course.

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"Nami..! Stop teasing me..! It's not cool ya know!" I scolded her and she just winks at me with her tongue sticking out. I puffed my red cheeks in anger but nothing too serious. I know she was joking about it but you can't just say those kind of things out loud you know.

"Sorry to interupt you guys but we can go whenever you guys are ready now," said a voice, with a slight hint of irriated or impatience. "Oh, right, we can't squable here now, we have job to do." I almost forgot about our purpose because of the little celebration we have which is we have some help from Whitebeard's gang.

All of us laughed sheepishly at each other, towards another Whitebeard subordinate, Marco. He sighed at the sight of us but Ace just grins to himself while giving his friend a small pat on the shoulder. "Hehe, almost forgot about it..Well! We should get going now! Everyone ready?" Usopp exclaimed loudly and all of us cheered together except Marco who just lets out another small sigh but a ghostly smile lingers around his lips.

"Oh!Before that,Usopp," I called out to my fuzzy haired friend and he shifts his gaze to me, curious of my sudden call. "If its okay, I have a favor to ask from you.." I smiled sheepishly and he just gave this confused look.

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Pu-yoo!! \(^0^)/ I AM HERE!! ;3 Haha, I am really sorry you guys for the long delay..! I have been extremely busy these days so I didn't have the chance to really update it😅 But I will try to finish it this time since we are almost reaching the climax of it! 😆 Hope you guys stick with all of us till the end of it! ^3^

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