Behind The Pink

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'Where in the world is Torao going?He's been acting really weird these days..(R/N) is also worried and I don't like seeing her frown or she being worried..'I thought to myself as I called up my friends.


"Hey!Zoro!Is Sanji there with you too?"

"Uhh,yeah,he is.What's wrong?"

"Listen!Come and meet me at my shop!I'm gonna need your guys help but make sure nobody know about this or don't let anyone see you okay!"

"Wait,what's going on Luffy?Is there something wrong?"

"I'll tell you later!Bye!"



I can't let anyone know about this secret mission.Especially (R/N).She is gonna be more worried or worst,she is probably gonna try to follow Torao if I tell her that I just saw him earlier.

Not long then,they finally arrived.I waved at them as I stood infront of my shop and they stop their car infront of me.

"Okay,we're here so mind telling us why you called us?"Sanji asked me as I fasten my seat belt at the back seat.

"Okay,first nobody saw you guys right?"I ask them and they just gave me this questioning looks.

"Yeah,like you said,secret but can you tell us now?You better be on to something Luffy"Zoro said with his lazy looks as he glance at mirror because he is the driver while Sanji seat beside him.

"Okay,so listen here,Torao has been acting weird after the three of us went out to a cafe and he seems to be hiding something from us but I just don't know what.(R/N) told me today that she didn't even see him at work as usual but when she asked the others,they said that Torao was there but I think he must be avoiding (R/N).(R/N) has been worried about him and I hate to see her worried and she hasn't been smiling for a while now..but!Just now I saw him drove by past me and I think he was going to someplace so I needed you guys to help me!"I told them and the two guys just gaze at me with this undescribeble face.

"You went to the cafe with (R/N)-chan without me?!How could you Luffy..!"Sanji suddenly started to cried while clutching the collar of my shirt.

"What?It's not that wrong!I went with Torao too!"I told him and he kept on crying till Zoro knocked him in the head which makes the yellow hair male angry.

"What was that you mossy head?!"

"There are more important things on hand rather than your jelousy isn't?"

"What?!How could anything else be more important when Luffy is having fun time with (R/N)-chan!I never even got the chance to hang out with her.."

"Pull it off swirly brows,focused on what we're here for"

"Says the one who keep slacking off green head!"

"What was that you pervert swirly brows?!"

"Wanna go you stupid mossy head?!"

"Guys!We're here for Torao!Not to fight about (R/N)!"I yelled at them and both of them looked sorry but still glaring at each other.

I am already worried about (R/N) and I don't wanna make her worrried for long about us..That's why I wanna chase up after Torao fast and find out about his strange behaviours.

"Fine then,we are we heading to then captain?"Zoro asked me with his usual lazy style while Sanji light up his ciggaratte.

"You drive first Zoro and I'll show you the way"I told him and he closed his eyes at my orders and started the engine.

"Do you even know the way Luffy?"Sanji asked me and I just give him a serious stare.

"Are you kidding?Of course I don't!"I yelled at him and for some reason both of them hung their head in dissapointment.

"How are we going to find him if you didn't even know the way idiot!"Sanji yelled at me and I yelled at him back too.

"But I just got the feeling that I might know where he is going so just trust me okay!"I scold him and he just let out a sigh.

"Fine but I'm gonna beat you up if we get lost not to mention someone who is bad in sense of direction"he muttered the last part to himself which earns a glare from Zoro.

"Huh?What did you say?"Zoro asked him.

"Nothing,I said that we're gonna be late so just drive already"Sanji retorted back quickly and Zoro just mumbled to himself,trying to hold his anger from the cook.

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'Is this the place?I haven't been here for a long time now,again,I don't even wanna come here in the first place either..'I thought to myself as I gaze at this tall castle.

This pink psycho really loves castle isn't?I just let out a heavy sigh as I drag my feet along the way.

'If there is no reason,I wouldn't be coming here but..'a flash of her run through my mind as I thought to myself.

I couldn't afford to lose one more person that I cared..Not anymore..Whatever this psycho guy wants,I won't let him have it his way.I'm gonna cut him off.

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