Miracle Always Happen

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I closed my eyes tightly and clenched my fist tighter which ends up my hand slightly bleeding.

"Please..I can't lose you too granny...Please..I..I can't take the pain anymore..."I crouch onto the floor as I curled up into ball.

Can only this much I can do?Why am I so weak?Why can't I do anything right?Why?What is wrong with me?

"I assume you must be (R/N) girl is it?"a high pitch voice spoke up and I raise my head to see who the person was and honestly,I was a bit shocked to see who the person was.

"Y..Yes I am..?W..Who are you..?"I ask the person,then I saw Chopper sneak out from behind the big person.

"We could lend you a hand (R/N)!"Chopper chipped happily and confidently.

I was surprise by his words and I feel this weird feelings beating inside my chest.

"What about you?Who are you?"I ask the big weird looking guy,at least I think so.

"My name is Ivankov girl!Now,we have no time to spare is it?Let's save your beloved person now!Yee-haw!"he yelled loudly and for the first time,I smiled while tears streamed down my face again.

Miracle does happen at a sudden moment,the moment where you least expect it.

"How is her condition for now (R/N)?"Chopper ask as he took on his bigger form.

"She is still in a critical state but I manage to hold it off into a stable state so far but it could only hold for only so far.."I report to him and he nod his head.

"Don't worry!We will save her together!We can do it!"Chopper said confidently and I nod my head agreeing to his words.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I heard that (R/N)'s neighbour got submitted into the emergency.Hancock informed me.Of course I gotta do something about it.As her friend.I know she is a doctor but there is only so much she can do and I think I know a certain person who can help her.

I stood infront of this weird looking pub that has the sign written;Kamabaka Kingdom.Just thinking about it gives me the goosebumps but for (R/N)'s sake,as a friend I have to enter this place even though it creeps me out.

"Yee-haw!I'm the leader of the Kamabaka Kingdom!The queen of all these lovely candies~!"yelled the certain person that I've been looking for.

"Oi,Ivankov!I have something to discuss with you!"I yelled from the top of my lung and the stage light starts to highlight on me which focuses everyone's gazes on me.

It really give me the goosebumps seeing all of them eyeing on me but I gotta fight this feelings.

"Ho~!Ho~!Ho~!My,what have we have here~?What brings you here Eustass boy?"he asked me and I just gaze at him with this strong determination inside me.

"I need your help.Someone,a friend of mine is trying to save someone who is on the verge of her life but even though she is a doctor,I know that she needed your help in this.I think Doflamingo has to be involved behind this"I told him and he just stare at me with his grin on his face.

"Doflamingo you say?What makes you think that he is one of the reason now?"he stare right into my eyes and I just stare right back at him with this expressionless face.

"I just know it,just a feeling of it"I said plainly and this shocked everyone for some reason.

"A feeling huh.Hmm,you interest me.Tell me,for what reason do I have to help this friend of yours,Eustass boy?Especially it's a rare thing for you to help someone and ask me for my help.."he gave me this reasoning look and I just narrow my gaze at him.

"It's true,I never cared about anyone back then and I keep on getting petty fights this before.I go out and come back home with at least some severe bruise if not serious one.My old man rarely comes visit me or at least,he never came back as far as I'm concern.Everything was a wreck,all I ever did was getting myself into trouble until I met her,the clumsy and stubborn head practical doctor,(R/N).She changed my life completely after meeting her.I don't know why but I feel like I wanna help her whenever she's in trouble.She has this special thing around her of making everyone rally beside her"I said out loud with a small smile that I didn't realize while I was talking.

"She made all of us together even though each of us barely knew each other and she cares all about us as much as we care about her.That's why,I'm coming here to seek for your help,to help (R/N) save her granny,please"I bowed my head for the first time in my life as I finish my word.

"E..Eh..!!Eustass is bowing to Ivankov-sama..?!"everyone yelled in shocked as I keep my position.

"Alright,you words are inspiring boy.Its hard to imagine a boy like you would be easily moved by this (R/N) girl that you mention.I would really like to meet this girl though so might as well give her a hand!Well,let's depart to our destination then Eustass boy!We have no time to lose isn't?"he yelled loudly with his weird pose but I just let it slide and grin.

"Heh,thanks old man"I said as I lead him the way.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hours pass and finally it's done.I sigh in relief as I wipe beads of sweats that has been streaming down my head for a few hours now.

We finally to save granny Tia and the three of us went out to meet other and to let her rest.When the others saw us,they all stood up and saw our condition.

"H..How was it..?Is she doing alright?"Usopp ask and I just nod my head with a small smile and everyone cheered happily.

I smiled more till suddenly,my body started to feel weak.Then I collapsed but luckily Sanji manage to catch me before I fall to the ground.

"(R..R/N)..?!"they all gasped at my unconscious state.

"Don't worry now.She is okay.She is probably tired so she passed out"Ivankov explained calmly and everyone seem to calmed down a bit.

"That was close!Lucky you catch her in time Sanji-kun!"Nami exclaimed in a relief tone and Sanji just smiled happily.

"Oh?Is she smiling?"ask Perona out loud as she gaze at my unconscious state closely.

"Hehe,it seems that she must be relieved to know that granny Tia is safe"Robin smiled as she said it out loud and soon everyone smiled at each other too.

"Well,let's get back home and have a rest first.We'll come back here again in the next morning"Zoro said out loud and everyone agreed while Sanji carried me in a bridal style as I sleep soundly in his arms.

Honestly,I am glad and Robin was right.I am relief.I was so tired that I passed out from everything that happen in one day.What a packed day today.

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