A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

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"Now,please have some rest for now.I'll check on you again after a few hours"I say to my patient as he nod his head before I close the door behind me.

Do I push her too much?I couldn't help but to keep thinking about her.Man,this is starting to get irriating and frustuating.I feel kinda angry when Sanji-ya was around her and to be honest,I think I'm feeling a bit jelous.

Do I like her?I don't know...She has nothing attractive nor did she has any good looks but why does her image seems to conquer my mind so much?What does she have that made my heart feeling like this?I hope I'll find the answers soon..

It's lunch time now.I wonder if I'll find her at the same place.

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I'm currently outside of the New Day Hospital building now.Why do you ask?The answer is because I wanted to find the injured kitty.Now the real question is,where I'm going to find the kitty?

I can't tell Kid that I want to find the kitty because I'm sure he's gonna stop me from finding the kitty because the kitty is probably wandering around by now and its dangerous for a lady like to me wander around in a place like this.

But I can't just leave the kitty like that not when I just met it earlier this morning,well just a flash of its figure though but at least I know where it went.

"Now where is that kitty?"I told to no one in particular as I peek around the alleway in hope I'll find the kitty.

I should hurry on finding it or not,Mr.Trafalgar is surely gonna scold me badly if he finds out that I went out to just find this injured kitty.

Just as I was about to give up on finding it,I heard a faint noise from behind the stack of boxes.I creep my way towards it and luckily,I found the cat that fits Kid descripition but it was badly injured.Its face is covered in dried blood and its leg too but judging from its injuries,it seems that Kid manage to save it before that jerks hurt it more badly.

"Hey there..It's okay little one..I'm not going to hurt you..I want to help you..Come here.."I said in a soft voice as I hold out my hand to it.

It seem scared at first and that is to be expected but I just hold out my hand for it to reach for me.I don't want it to be scared and move too much for now so I'll just approach it slowly.It took me a few moment for me to regain its trust before it start to approach closer to my hand as if it wants to sniff it.

I was almost there till it hiss in fear.I looked panic till a rush of cold went through my spine when I heard a chuckle behind me.

"Well,well,well,look what we got here~A pretty lady who is trying to help the kitty that we beat up last time~How cute~"I saw three male blocked my escape as I glance at their muscular body.

No,not in awe but in aware because I know that I'm not strong enough to take three of them out by myself but I can't let the see my weakness or I'm the one who's gonna be at disadvantage.

"Why are you by yourself pretty lady~?Don't you know its dangerous around here~?"one of the guys ask me but I told myself not to engage into any conversation with them.

"Aww,she is shy~Why don't you entertain us~?"another guy chuckled to himself and soon his friends join too.

Shoot,this is bad.If I don't do anything,its gonna end bad for me.What should I do?My mind is in a panick state now but I try to calm myself down as I try to think of a way of escape.

I glance to the kitty behind me and saw that it was already unconscious.I on instinct went to check the kitty's condition and saw that it was resting but there's no time for me to be in relief when another problem is still not solve.

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