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The blizzard roars as I try to climb the snowy mountain. My legs would get stuck in one of the deep snows which makes it more difficult for me to move but I'm not giving up. I keep pushing forward despite the coldness that bites my skin.

I have to make it. They need my help. I know I can do something.. Something..

As I used my last energy, I fall to the snowy ground. I.. can't.. anymore.. Its so painful.. My body grew tired as times passes and my eyes werr starting to shut. I tried to get back up but I kept falling back to the cold ground.

Is this how its going to end? The government is already here and if we don't get out soon they're going to catch us. I don't know if the others managed to defeat the bad people but I'm sure they did it. What if they really didn't need me? What if I should've never be a doctor in the first place? They probably could've handle it even without me..

With the last thought, I closed my eyes. Snow started to cover my body, erasing my presence and traces. It was cold but thr loneliness I felt was much colder. Who knows, at this rate I'm not sure which is which anymore.

It was dark. So quiet. I was sinking? Or maybe I'm falling? I wonder if I could've done anything right at all... All the smiles and optimisme of me, was it a lie all this years..?

I knew they always say hurtful words behind my back back then when I was studying in the medical course, the road to become a doctor. Why did I become one then again? I already forgot about it.. I was always alone and I was always isolated back then. Nobody wanted to become my friend because of many reason.

A freak.

A weirdo.

A nerd.

A sweet-talker.

A snob.

You name it. What if I tried to please them back then? What if I try to fit in with them? Where would I be then? Was it a mistake that I became a doctor? Heh, not a doctor, a practical to be exact and yet here I am boasting myself that I'm officially a doctor..

Then a light pierced right through the darkness. It was blinding. I opened my eyes and my eyes went wide. Tears streamed down my face effortlessly.

"Mom..? Dad..? (S/B/N)..?" I croaked out. Am I dead? But I thought they died back then? Here, in Mount' Rossa... I looked at them and they just smiled at me. Without a doubt, it was my family. I quickly embrace them as I cried out more. "I miss you guys so much.. Why did you guys leave me.. I'm so alone ya know.. I can't carry this by myself anymore.." I cried as I let them go.

"We're sorry (R/N)... but you still have something to do (R/N).." said my father. I didn't care to wipe my tears and just looked down. "I'm nothing dad.. I'm not important.. They can handle it by theirselves after all.." I murmured in a low tone. Dissapointed with myself.

"Snap out of it sis! You're not the person that I knew! They needed you! See!" my (S/B/N) pointed behind me and I saw they were still fighting. All of them. They were struggling with their lives on the line. Then I saw Luffy and Law. They were beaten mercilessly by the mysterious guy with a purple haired lady, whose hair is slightly wavy.

I gasped at the sight. "No!" I yelled but it was useless, they couldn't hear me. "They need you (R/N). You are important. Our stories have ended but you still have a long way to go. You can still write your stories love.. We understand and know that you have been walking alone for a long time.. I know it seems unbearable sometimes and think that giving up is the solution but, then you'll miss the people in the future that need you (R/N).." I looked down, the words tried to shatter the wall that I build around my heart.

"You have made it here (R/N)! Look how far you've come! Don't punish yourself too much love.. Everyone makes mistakes.. but so long as you learn from them, you can always grow... Don't let the pain change your heart.. Don't let it clouded your eyes.. You are wonderful (R/N). You have become the better of yourself now because you never gave up. Then, you meet them.. Remember all those good memories.." said my mother.

Then suddenly the wall shattered. I saw life flashes right before my eyes. I remembered my family died in the avalanche and I thought for sure it was the end of me but it looks like I still have something to do. A purpose. A goal. A dream and I can't give up because if I do, I can't reach out to them. I have to find it. Until then, I have to give myself some space and the patience to grow. I can't be too hard on myself.

I remembered my hapoy memories with my family and with them. How we laugh together. How we seem happy. It was not a dream and it was not impossible.

I cried more. Before I realized, my family started to glow brightly. "Wait..! Don't go..!" I reached out to them. "Don't worry (R/N), you're not alone anymore and never will be. You have a family that loves you always. Go, help them." they said and I embraced them for the final time before they break into small pieces of light.

I cried more and yelled as loud as I can. It wasn't frustuation but the sadness that I have been holding for years and years... The loneliness that harden my heart.. I screamed it out until I feel it empty within my chest.

After all the screaming, I wiped my tears stained face and smiled a bit. "Okay, I will. I'm going now so goodbye for now.." I said and the light becomes more brighter as I, soon embraced by the warm lights.

"(R/N)..! Wake up..! Oi!" I saw a blurry green hair. I blinked my eyes a few times and my vision finally became clear. It was Zoro with a worried face. Then I saw Usopp, Nami and Sanji behind him, all shared the same expression.

"W..What happen..?" I said with a weak voice and they all let out a relief sigh. I stood up from my position with Zoro holding my side.

"You were buried in the snow and we were crazily worried ya know!" exclaimed Usopp and I blinked my eyes in confusion. Then I remembered, I almost gave up back then. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys but I'm really okay now. Thanks guys for rescuing me." I said with a small smile on my frozen lips.

"Here, wear this (R/N)-chan, you must be cold after being buried under there." Sanji offered his coat. I thanked him but then what about his coat. "Oh don't worry about me (R/N)-chan! My clothes is enough to warm me up, if not I take more from one of Doffy's lackies." grinned the blonde and I smiled at him. Always such a gentleman to ladies.

"Can you still fight (R/N)?" asked Nami , worry laced in her words. I showed her a thumbs up and said that I was tired from walking in this snowy weather so I decided to take a break a bit. She punched my arms lightly and we all laughed.

"Alright, let's go help Luffy and Law. We better prepare for any situation 'cause we don't know yet their abilities." I said, adjusting my bow on my back. They all nod their head. We gazed at the tallest part of the snowy mountain where there lies our comrades, waiting for our help.

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Haha I finally get the vibes for this chapter. I've been having a difficult times on how to implement my ideas in the chapters and as we climb the mountain higher, we are almost at the peak of the story so prepare! XD

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