The Deal

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The two doctor seems in a really bad mood and I was sweating nervously.I was playing with my fingers as I try to avoid making an eye contact with them.

"How did you two get in here?"Kid ask with a hint of curious and annoyance for some reason.

"We just tell your butler that we're a friend of you and we wanted to meet you so he let us in"Luffy spoke up as his gaze were focused at the red hair male.

"And is there something you two need?"Kid spoke again.

"Yes,can you excuse us both of us with (R/N)-ya?"Law gave me this the parent talk look and I just sweatdrop more as I stood there nervously.

Kid looked hesitant to oblige it at first but then Hancock just drag him out,even though he struggle at first till he gave up and that leaves me alone with the two upset doctor.

"Uhh..H..Hey,guys..!Its a really surprise to see you guys here.."I smiled nervously at them as I try to slip away from this awkward situation but I know it more that there is no escape from this.

"Where were you last night?"Law spoke up as he stood a few feet away from me along with Luffy who for the first time express his upset expression.

"...Alright..I'm sorry..I know what I did was wrong and I understand you guys were mad at me..but..!"I told them and they arch their eyebrows at me.

"But what?"Luffy ask me as he cross his hands to his chest like a little child who is mad at his mother for not buying him an ice-cream.

" and Kid wanted to help Hancock exactly but I can't tell you guys about it..but she is fine now so I'm really sorry for everything.."I look down feeling really guilty while the two doctors glance at each other like their communicating with their eyes.

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I glance to Mugiwara-ya and he share the same gaze as me.We were debating on whether we should scold her more or just forgive her.

She mentioned earlier that she and Eustass-ya were helping Boa-ya?I'm curious about what they were doing last night but looking at her expression,it seems I need to ask from other person and that person is the person herself.

After a fe moments of silence,I drag Mugiwara-ya away for a bit and (R/N)-ya stare at us with curious and still feeling guilty as we round up to discuss about the solution.

"So what do you wanna do Traffy?Just forgive her?"Mugiwara-ya ask with hopes laced in his voice and I just let out a heavy sigh.

"It seems like it but she still need to pay for making us worried"I try to contain my smirk but Mugiwara-ya just grin at me as he was so eager to hear about it.

"Ohh,what is it about?"he leaned his ear closer and we finally decided the price.

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Okay,this guys are seriously making me more worried.What are they talking about?I hope they are not mad anymore...

Then they suddenly turn to face me and both of them seem to be in a good mood for some reason which gives me the more reason to be afraid of them.

"We've decided that we'll forgive you (R/N)!"Luffy exclaimed happily and I was happy to hear it till Law trails off Luffy's words.

"But,there is a price you need to pay (R/N)-ya"Law smirked at me and I was sweating nervously.

Shoot,why do I get the feeling that something bad is coming?Well my friend,it was true.

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"Grr,why did you drag me out lady?"the red hair male was still angry about me dragging him out from the room and I sigh as I lean more to the comfy chair.

"Because they need their privacy too idiot..You do realise that you snuck out with (R/N) without Trafalgar's information isn't?"I narrow my eyes towards him and he was tense.

"..!H..How did you know about that?"he stuttered in a nervous state and I just smirk to myself.

"Of course I do,or that wouldn't explain why the two males looked worried and angry when they arrive here isn't?"I explain to him and he just huffed towards me as his face was red as his hair.

I couldn't help but to smile to myself till the three figures came into view.

"(R/N)!"I called out to her and she looked towards my direction and rush towards me and gave a hug.

"Hancock!"the little girl exclaimed happily as I embrace her small frame.

"Are you alright?"I ask her as her (e/c) look up to meet mine.

"Yeah,I'm okay!Hehe,no need to worry about it!"she smiled happily and I nod my head with a relief as I shift my gaze to the two male.

"I apologise for all the trouble doctor Trafalgar,it was my fault that everything happends.."I apologised to him as I look down on the floor.

"That's alright Boa-ya.Besides,I know that this little knucklehead is really stubborn"he sighed as the male besides him let out a laugh.

"Hey!I'm not little okay!"the little girl pouted as she glares at Trafalgar.

"Shishishi!You're cute when you're angry (R/N)!"the male laughs as (R/N) scold him more.

"Who is this person if I may ask?Is he one of your assitant too doctor Trafalgar?"I ask him and he glance to his friend besides him who is talking with (R/N).

"Oh,he is just a friend of mine who works as a vet"he explained to me till the male cuts him off.

"Hey there!My name is Monkey D.Luffy!Nice to meet ya!"he smiled at me and I introduce myself to him in return.

"What about you?"Luffy ask Kid who seems to be bored by now.

"Me?The name is Kid.Eustass Kid"he introduce himseld with disinterest and I just sigh at his hopeless state.

"Oh!So you're the one who kidnapped (R/N)!"Luffy suddenly became angry and was about to charge at the red hair male but (R/N) manage to stop him.

"Wait..!He didn't kidnap me..!Both of us snuck out together from the hospital to help Hancock so it's not really his fault.."I saw that she was trying to calm the male down and luckily he understand it.

"Oh,I see.Well,that explains it!Shishishi!I thought you were a bad guys!Sorry!the male laugh again and I sweatdrop and I think (R/N) did the same too.

"Well,that settles it then,thank you Eustass-ya for taking care of (R/N)-ya but I think we need to get going now"Trafalgar spoke up again which gains everyone's attention in the living room.

"No problem"he reply with shortly as we thank him together and head out from his home.

"Well,thank you again (R/N),for everything.."I thanked her and she smiled at me.

"Hehe,it's nothing Hancock!We're friends aren't we?"she beamed with happily and I couldn't help but to smile along with her.

"Well,I need to go now!Oh!Here is my number if you need to call me or anything!See ya again Hancock!Bye!"the little girl rush off with the two male and I just stood there watching as their figures disappear from my gaze.

Hehe,I didn't think that I would find a friend or even make a friend..(R/N)..She is somewhat a unique person.From that moment,I've decided that if she needs my help,I will try my best to aid her.

As the clouds roll by the blue sky,I start heading back home after saving (R/N)'s number in my phone.I can't wait to tell my sisters about everything that has happend and that we are free..

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I apologise if this is bad.. T^T

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