Home-Made Food Is Our Favourite

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I grunt in my sleep as I feel the sun shines on my face.I opened my eyes slowly and there was a person standing infront of me but it was blurry and I couldn't make it out who the person is till I heard a laugh from the person.

"Hehe,wake up you sleepy head!"

I was still in my sleepy state till I have recovered my vision.

"Waghh..!"I jolt up from my place which makes me head-butt the person infront of me.

"Are you two okay?What happend?"a familiar voice called out to us and I just hold my head in pain as I glance to person who stood at the kitchen paths while wearing a sunflower apron.

"Oww!That really hurt a lot you know,Torao!Why did you head-butt me?!"I glance to Luffy-ya who is glaring at me in pain as he hold his head that got head-butt by me earlier.

"It wasn't on purpose!It's your fault after all for suddenly standing infront of me while I'm asleep!"I scolded the rubber guy and he just glares at me as he screamed what at me.

"Hey,hey!Calm down now both of you,I told Luffy to woke you up Law so it's not really his fault"I glance to (R/N)-ya who smiled sheepishly at me and I just let out a sigh.

"Now,how 'bout we all just enjoy our breakfast while it's still hot?"she tried to break our fight and I know that,well I don't want to fight anyone in the first morning after all so I just listen to what she said.

"Food!!"Luffy-ya already dash to the kitchen to have his breakfast.

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"What are you cooking (R/N)?"I ask (R/N) as I smell something delicious that really makes my mouth water by the minute.

"Oh,just simple menu today.It's ham sandwich with scrambled eggs,hope you guys like it"she said as she set the plates down on the table.

"Wohoo!This looks delicious (R/N)!I bet it's gonna taste good!"I exclaimed happily as I took a seat near to her while Torao took a seat across us.

"What's wrong Law?You don't like it?"I start munching down on the food that (R/N) made till I heard she ask Torao about the food.

I just look at Torao who had this grim face while (R/N) was confused and worried that she might have made a mistake till I realised what was wrong.

"Oh!I forgot!Law is allergic to bread!Shishishi!That's why he hasn't touch his food yet!"I exclaimed loudly and the two just glance at me.

"Allergic?I didn't know you were allergic to carbohydrated food Law!Oh gosh,I'm really sorry!I really didn't know..!"(R/N) was flabergasted which looks cute though but she looked really scared too which makes me a bit sad.

"Ah,no,I'm not allergic to bread at all (R/N)-ya and don't worry,it's nothing to worry about.You did nothing wrong.Also,I have no allergies at all"Torao explained to her and she had this adorable confused face on her.

"But,Luffy said that you had allergies?"she tilt her head in confusion.

"He was just making a joke at me (R/N)-ya,don't worry about it"Torao said as he glared at me.

"I'm sorry (R/N)..I didn't mean to lie to you"I look down in guilt and she just sigh with her warm smile as she hold my hand.

"Hehe,that's okay,I'm cool with it but why don't you like bread Law?"she asked to Torao and he just looked down while I snickered to myself.

"Shishishi,because bread is his nemesis"I laugh at him and Torao glared at me with his face all flushed up red.

"Nemesis?"(R/N) also giggled along as she glance at Torao.

"Shut up..!Bread are just..disgusting..!That's all!"he tried to cover up his embarassment but it didn't work.

(R/N) and me laugh at Torao which leaves the grumpy guy to sulk.

"I'm sorry Law,really,I didn't mean to laugh at you.It's just rare to see a person dislike bread when they are really delicious!"(R/N) tries to cheer him up.

"Yeah!You can make many menu with bread!Like ham sandwhiches!"I show him the plate of my sandwhich and he just stare at it with horror which makes me crack up more.

"Hehe,Luffy is right but I suppose,if you don't want to eat bread then,are you okay with just eating ham and eggs then?"

"Yeah,it's okay,as long as I don't have to eat that horrifying stuff"said Torao with a shiver and I just snickered again.

"Mmm~!You're food is really great (R/N)!You should be a cooke you know!"I compliment her food and she glance at me with her face slightly red.

"O..Oh,really?Hehe,I'm glad that you like it but I don't think I'm cut out to be a cook Luffy.I mean,my cook are just simple and compared to Sanji,his cooks are way more delicious plus he's a professional cook too!"

"That is true but he is a professional cook as you say unlike you (R/N)-ya"

"Unlike me?"she raise her eyebrow in questioning.

"Shishishi!Yeah!It's like a home-made cook by someone you like!"laughed the rubber guy.

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'By..someone they like..?'I thought to myself as I just blink my eyes for a few times,trting to process the words inside my head.

By the time I realise it,my face flushes red as I felt like steam escaped from my ears.

"W..What...?!I..I..Uhh.."I tried to think of something to deny it but seeing those two just smile goofily at me,I just covered my face with my hands in embarassment.

"It's not funny you know"I mumbled to myself as I continue eating which earn a chuckles from the two male.

Knock knock

"Oh,someone is at the there"I said outloud as our breakfast was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I'll get it"I said as I put my dishes into the sink and went to door.

"Oh!Morning you guys!"I greeted them happily as I saw their face.

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