A King Protect Its Queen

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A chess game?What is he even planning on?Right now I'm more curious about what he want to talk about and I don't know how long I've been here but it felt forever and how I wish I could get out of this place soon.

So far both sides hasn't even won nor lose yet but I'm in a tight situation though.Most of my soldiers have been sacrificed and I'm about to lose this game.You may say its just a game but my feelings told me that it was the other way and I know that the pink bastard is also playing his cards now.

"So,Law,how has your life goes these days?"he finally spoke up and I glance up to him from the chess board but our hand still make our moves.

"Fine"was all I say.I have no intention on telling him about my life nor even spill anything to him.

He just grinned and moved his knight near my rook piece.Shoot,I moved my rook soldier to the right and he somehow followed my soldier till I was finally cornered.

'Tch,my final rook pieces has been taken.All is left some 2 knight,2 bishop,2 pawn,1 king and 1 queen'I cursed to myself as I see the game is starting to turn on me.

"Aww,don't be so stressed out now~It's just a game after all isn't~?Fufufu~"he chuckled to himself and I just glared at him.

Just before I could say anything,he continued on more.

"Oh yes,why don't you tell me about your girl friend of yours~?She seems a very cheerful person isn't~?"I know who he is referring to and I could almost feel a lump in my throat just the thought of it but I won't play by his game.

"What girl are you talking about?There are billions of girls in this world"I counter him back but he just chuckled to himself,not buying what I said but I just keep it cool.

"Fufufu~Come on~I know everything about her~Her name is (R/N) isn't~?Such a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl isn't~?"I felt something snapped inside me as I glared down at the chess pieces infront of me.

I feel this enormous hate and anger boiling inside of me when he said (R/N)-ya's name.

"So?What is your point?"my words hold venoms and if my words are like a time bomb,I'm sure it would've been explode by now.

"Fufu~I never tought you would get aling quite well with a girl Law.I tought after the incident might have changed you more.."he said it slowly as he spoke his last words.

I clutched my hand into a firm fist and this time,I could almost feel my blood trickles down my palm due to the strong clutch but the pain and hate inside me is beyond stronger by now than the pain in my hand.

How dare he bring up that incident again.I would never forget what happend at that time.Never.

"Law is somewhere far away from here now..You'll never reach him again.."

I silently sob to myself as I pressed my ear against the wooden box.He was leaning against the box that I'm in which is supposed to be delivered to a certain place that I don't know of but what's important now is that Cora-san must live!He even said it that he wouldn't kill his own brother!

"Tch,don't make me repeat my question again Corazon,where is he?"

"Heh,I've already told you.He's far away gone from this place now.You will never get to him because..he is free now..!!"

I was shocked with that idiot's words.Right after his final words,I could hear the sound of the pistol that is triggered by a person that I know and hate.Everything cames crashing down and I feel nothing as stream of tears went down my cheeks.

I cried silently to myself as I realised that Cora-san was gone now.Just like what Cora-san told me to do,after Doffy is gone,I ran away from the place as far as I can while crying out loudly but what I didn't know at that day was Cora-san was still alive,barely to be exact.

He used his devil fruit power to cover my cries till his final breath.

"Don't you dare lay a single touch on her.If you do,I'll make sure to slice every piece of you Doffy.."I glared at him but his face kept his grinning expression.

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'This place is huge.Wonder what that Torao guy is even doing in a place like this?Luffy also seem quite for a while now.Guess he is serious about this matter'I thought to myself as I run along with Luffy in this huge mansion.

I don't really understand what is going on but if Luffy needs help,then I have to help him even if he is an idiot,he is still our captain.

"Gah!This place is too big!How are we gonna find him at this rate?!"Luffy yelled in frustuation till I knocked his head.

"Shh!Quiet down you idiot!We're not trying to get everyone's attention here!"I scolded him and he just glared at me.

"But if we don't hurry then we're gonna miss Torao!"he fight back.

"Look,why are we even trying to find him in the first place?"I finally decided to ask him while we were resting and hiding in a safe place.

He seemed quiet at first till he looked back at me with this firm determination kind of look in his eyes.

"Because Torao has been acting weird for the past few days and both of us are worried about him but he didn't seem like to share about it..(R/N) is also worried about him and I tried to cheer her up but I know deep inside she was worried about him..I don't want to make (R/N) sad and I want to see her smile!I don't want her to worried about us because we're the one who is supposed to protect her!"

He was serious about it and his eyes holds desperation.I just let out a heavy sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"Alright then.If you say so Luffy.You're right,all of us wants to protect her so if it means helping you out helps my friends,then I have nothing argue about it then"I grin at him and his face was lit with happiness.

"Shishi!Thanks Zoro!I'm counting on you!"he smiled goofily towards me.

"Heh,roger that captain"we fist bumped as we continue to proceed our journey and good new is,we think that we found our way to Torao as we saw some familiar people walk pass ino a room.

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My threaten doesn't faze him but its the truth.I wouldn't hold myself back if he dare to lay a single touch on (R/N)-ya or neither of my friends.

While I was too caught up with my anger.He manage to take 2 pawn,1 bishop and 1 knight for me.Realising this,I started to feel cornered.Shoot,I got caught up in his game.It seems impossible to win this till a sudden flash of image run by mind.

"We can't give up yet Law!"

That was her word when we were treating our patient.It was a heavy case and we were at the point of giving up but she still kept pressing on.

'You're right (R/N)-ya,I can't give up yet.I'm not letting Doffy gettinf away with his crimes again.I'm going to protect what is dear to me'I thought to myself and in the meantime,an idea came to my mind.

"Looks like you're cornered Law~Fufufu~You should just give up Law"he chuckled to himself as his king and queen was near my pieces.

"Heh,who said I am?The battle is still going Doffy"I grin at him as I move my king,my queen,my knight and my bishop according to the strategy.

We were battling with each other and I saw that he was starting to feel the pressure while I was the one who is cornering him now.

"Checkmate"I said outloud as the battle was finish.

The white queen was taken down by the black bishop and black knight piece while the black king protect its queen and in the meantime,got the white king cornered.

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