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(L/S/N)-little sister name or feel free to change into whoever siblings that you guys prefer ^^

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"W..Who are you...?!"I asked the figure who was looming in front of me and the little girl.I push the girl behind me in hope I could protect her despite I know that this guy is way much more taller than my height.

In fact,I think his height is enormous!How can this guy be this high?!I shake my thoughts away so I could focus on this mysterious guy that just appeared out of the shadow.I don't know why but I got a bad feeling from this person and I don't like it the way he gaze at me.It's like he is seeing right through my soul and I just shiver at the thought of it.

"Fufufu~No need to be so scared little one~I am not here to hurt you,for the least.."he muttered the last word to himself but I clearly heard it loud despite the creepy music playing in the background and that's what makes it more uncomfortable to me.

"What do you want?Who are you anyway mister?"I ask him,trying to be confident in my words,I stood tall with my chest out despite fear is running crazy inside my head.

'Keep calm (R/N)..Keep calm...I've seen this in one of the movies before and I didn't think it would happen so soon though but I can't be faze by this weirdo's word.Stay strong (R/N)..!'I whispered to myself inside my heart,trying to calm my heart that is beating ten time faster than my normal pace.

Whoever this dangerous-looking guy is,I can't let my guard down despite that he has this creepy smiling face.Just as I was about to think of a plan,I heard a little giggle behind me and I glance back to see the little girl who was giggling to herself.

"I'm sorry big sis but I am one of his's family meaning he is my family"Sugar smiled at me and my eyes went wide at her statement.

"Y..You tricked me..?"I was shocked by everything that I failed to notice that my body was covered with some thin strings.

"W..What..?H..Hey..!L...Let me g..go you jerk..!What did you do..?!"I was panick when my body started moving by its own will.

"Fufufu~Relax my dear~This is just simply one of my ability;Ito Ito No Mi~"he chuckled to himself as one of his hands moved like one of the puppeter that is moving his toys.

I didn't quite understand his meaning till I saw a glimpse of very thin strings at the end of his fingers.Then it hit me,it really was the same function as a puppeter and I was the toy that he controls..

When I stop right infront of him,his tall figure looms over and I just grit my teeth,trying to struggle out free from his strings but no matter what I do,it was futile.

"W..Who are you?"I ask with a full confidende even though my heart is beating at its maximum speed now.

He lowered his body to my level and just stare at me with his big grin plastered on his face.Even though he was wearing this purple pink shade,I know he was staring and observing me which brings to almost an uncomfortable level.

"Fufu,scared little kitty?I've told you I won't harm you,for now that is and you ask of my name is it?Fufufu,why don't you guess then~?"he chuckled again and I just glared at him.

"If I have to guess then maybe your name would be mister Pinkerton isn't?"I spat at him and his grin become more wider as he crack a into a fit laugh.

I just stare at him with the feelings of trying to just smack this weirdo in his head.

"Should I turn this women into a toy young master?"Sugar ask with anger laced in her voice.

"Fufufu,its okay Sugar,the little kitty was surely fiesty than I expected,this could be interesting~"he chuckled as he towered over my small figure.

"My name is Donquixote Doflamingo"he chuckled as his grin turns wider.

I was in a froze as I feel like I know him but somehow I couldn't quite remember him.Who is this guy?How does he know more about me?Who?Who...?While I was trying to remember,a certain memory came into my mind but it wasn't that clear yet my feelings felt like it remembered more than my brain.

"(R/N) run...!!"


"Watch out..!It's avalanche..!"

"Huh..?Who is that..?"

"Fufufu~Are you remembering it now little kitty~?"I was so shocked at the moment to even hear what Doflamingo guy said to me.

"Who..Who are you..?"I ask him with a hint of fear inside of me.Why do I feel that way?Is it the fear of him?No,I don't think so,it must be something more deeper.I fear of the truth.

"Fufufu~It seems that you still have problem on remembering it but"he paused in his sentence as he grin at me with his face inching closer to my face in a threatening way.I just grit my teeth as I feel this bad feelings starting to grow inside me.

"You did feel it isn't~?"his grin became wider and I blinked my eyes one time and just by that he could pick up my meaning just by my gestures.

After what he said,I started to feel my body gaining its control back as I can move arms again so with the advantage at hand,I quickly jump a few steps back until I reach a safe distance.

"Fufufu,it seems time is almost running out.I enjoyed our talk,my dear (R/N)~but now it seems we will depart for now"he chuckled as he followed the green haired little girl who was called Sugar.

"Doflamingo,wait!"I called out to him but he was already out of sight.Those feelings still lingers inside me and suddenly I was found by the 4 earlier boys with Law and Luffy who looked worried about me.

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