Suspicious Arose

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Ever since we got back from the shopping,well not that we buy things at the shop though but we did went to the cafe,anyway,ever since from that,Law has been a bit quite.

I mean,too quite.Luffy seemed cheerful as always but I think he noticed it too that something was different with our friend,Law.

'Did he had problems that he didn't want anybody to know?Or was it really he was memorising his studies?'I thought to myself as my fingers wrapped around the warm chocolate cup.

"Luffy,did you notice that Law seemed a bit different yesterday?"I asked him through the phone last night.

"Yeah,I did but he doesn't seem to be talking about it...Do you know anything (R/N)?"he asked me back and for the first time,I heard his voice that is laced with worried.

"No..I don't..It would be bad if I pressure him since he doesn't seem like to be talking about his problems..What should we do Luffy?"

"Don't worry,(R/N).We'll figure it out soon so don't be sad okay?It really makes me sad to see you like that.."I smiled as I hear his caring words.

"Hehe,alright Luffy,I won't be sad anymore.Hopefully,we'll discovered something soon.."I told him.

"Yeah,me too"he said.

"Well,I have to go now Luffy,goodnight Luffy!"I said goodbye to him as he reply back the same.

"I hope we find out something soon.."I mumbled to myself as the winds gently caress my face,as it coming from the window that is left open.

As soon as I finished my drink,I throw the cup into the bin and went on my way to do my work.

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'Tch,my mind hasn't able to concentrate since Monet's last visit yesterday..I should hurry before they started to get suspcious with my behaviours.Then again,I'm never good at hiding my problems away after all..especially from the presisitent little girl'I thought to myself as I combed my hair with my hand.

I hope today would end quickly so I can get this over with.Wonder what that pink guy wants with me now?I haven't been in contact with him since..that day.

I shake my head lightly as I try not to remember that day but today is his day right?The day he was born and the day he lefted me with that goofy smile of his and..his promise..

"I missed you Cora-san.."I mumbled to myself as I lowered my head,covering my gaze as if someone would see my sober state.

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The day finally ended and I haven't even talk with Law at all today.I tried looking for him and even wait for him during break time at our usual spot but,he never came as if he was avoiding me on purpose.

I was too occupied with my thoughts that I didn't realised a girl was calling out to me.

"-(/N)..!(R/N)..!Hey!"I finally snap back to reality as I felt a pair of hands turning me around to face them and I was met with an upset looking brunette girl.

"N..Nami.."I exclaimed in surprise as I saw she was pouting at me.

"What's wrong (R/N)?You didn't respond back when I called out to you!"Nami asked me with a worried look and then I noticed the other five girls;Robin,Perona,Bonney,Hancock and Vivi behind the worried looking brunette hair girl.

"O..Oh, was nothing,got too much on my mind thats all"I sheepishly laugh at her as I rub the back of my head lightly.

"Are you okay (R/N)?You look quite troubled"Vivi asked me and I assured the girls that I was alright.

To change the topic,I asked them for why all of them are here.Its very rare to see them in groups since they work in different shifts so its kinda hard for them to meet with each other.

"Well,we were planning to hang out with each other but we haven't decide where we could hang out.."Vivi said while she sweatdrop a bit.

"Well of course we haven't since all of us are bickering with each other about where we wanna go!"Bonney shout with frustuation but not loud enough to disturb the other patients here.

"Calm down will you?Shouting like that won't even get us anywhere either"Perona pouted at her and Bonney glared at the pink hair girl and now the two girls were glaring with each other that you could almost see a spark between their glares.

"Cut it off you two,fighting isn't gonna solve anything too"Hancock knocked them off and both of them turn their gaze away from each other like a little kid who is upset and I just smiled at them.

"Well,how about we all hang out at granny Tia's home?She has many collections of tea and maybe we could spend time with each other there?"I finally suggest them and all of them look at each other till they all agreed to go along with my suggestion.

"Who is this granny Tia,(R/N)?Is she your granny?"Bonney ask me as all of us head to my apartment.

"Hehe no Bonney,she is ny landlord but she is a very kind person and she always help me but she has a bit of health problems due to her old age so sometimes I helped her out with her groceries or anything I could"I told her and she just nod her head slowly.

"How long have you know her (R/N)?"Robin ask me and I shift my gaze to her.

"Hmm,if I'm not wrong,it's been 2 years now?"I hold my chin as I think to myself about the question.

"2 years?Wow!That's pretty long!You sure do get along with everyone (R/N)!"Nami exclaimed as she playfully slapped behind me and a wave of pain hit through my back.

"T..That hurt Nami.."I glared at her and all of us laughed at each other.

While I have forgotten for a while about my problems,one person couldn't get their head off from the problem especially since he saw the person ride a car to a place for who know where so out of curiosity,he followed the person quitely as he told his trustful friends.

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