Author Final Notes

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Konnichiwa! Yay the book has finally come to an end and so was the advanture! But, the advanture ends for this stories but not yours~ So keep on dreaming dreamers and never give up!

First of all I wanna say thank you for everyone that has been joining this advanture together with me and stick with me till the end. It was a ride actually. Thank you so much to everyone that supported me and supported this book too. I couldn't have made it far without any of you guys. Thank you again m(_ _)m


Second,now here I want to apologise for stalling the end for so long and if the book wasn't so good compare to others. My intention was to leave an impact, to inspire someone to never give up and to keep pursuing your dreams. This guys have been through a lot of advantures together with me so I thought why not share together? And I am sure you guys have too even if its not a good one... but never be discouraged by what happened, move on from it and start anew.

Also want to wish a quick belated happy new year and may you guys have a long wonderful life. The reason why I didn't update much because my life was a bit of mess lately. Haha, a lot happened and it was quite a ride and I'm not upset at all with what has happen because it gave me strength to grow more and be kinder. So does you too lovelies. I experienced rejection, hitting rock bottom, financial problem, inner problem and etc. It all appear in life for reason. If I can get back up then I' thousand percent am sure that you could too. It doesn't have to be right on the spur of moment, just take your time to take it step by step. I did too. I know it's not easy and not everyone might agree with how I see things but sometimes in life it's hard to really judge who is right or wrong of their way( I mean killing is wrong and doing good things are good so just want to clear that up) What I meant was how they find their strength. How they color their life. How their stories goes.

All we can do is try our best to be the best of ourself. Sure my name is not popular nor will anybody remember me but I am very much happy to hear if I make someone's day a little bit brighter, inspire them a bit to be more better. I am okay with nobody remember my name or not in the history books, all that matter is that I did something good to someone. Even if I don't see them.

Honestly I'm not sure if I'm going to make any fanfic again anytime soon but let's see what inspires me again. I have been trying to do youtube videos and writing some fiction to be sold which is in progress. So that is one of the reason why I'm not sure whether I'll write fanfics more or not but we'll see how the future unfolds.

Before I forget, let me fulfill my promise here before I ramble on a bit more for closing. My friend, as I promise you, as the book is over now, I'll spread the word about your book. I hope you guys can give her some support ^^


The book seems unactive for now since she had some work to attend to but if you guys have free time to spare please do support her ^^ If want can DM if you have ideas and I'll send it to her ^^
Thank you!


Again I wanna thank to you guys for supporting my books and for the wonderful comments from you guys. I can't express how much happy to have such a wonderful readers. Remember you guys are awesome as it is and if you feel like you're at the rock bottom now, then remember this; I am too as I am writing this but I'm mustering all my strengths back to fix it back up because if we give up now, the others might be waiting for you so you can't give up yet.

Haha now I'm rambling a lot isn't. Sorry, couldn't help it. I'm an emotional baby TvT If you guys have ideas or want to talk anything feel free to DM me ^^

Now I hope you guys have a wonderful year this year! Let's strive to make more good memories!!

Love you♡


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