My First Duty

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Well this is awkward.I'm currently sitting right across the doctor who keeps staring at me for the pass few minutes without even saying anything at all.

I twirl around my thumbs in hope I could distract my thoughts and his menacing gaze.Now it feels like I'm one of the doe's in that National Geographic channel I watched a few days ago,that is being preyed by a group of tigers but now I'm being preyed by this strange menacing doctor's gaze.

If I were in an anime show right now,people could've possibly see my sweatdrops while trembling with nervously.

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She doesn't seem any special at all nor did she look like any doctor.Small body frame,(h/l) (h/c) hang loosely and her clothes is pretty simple.(e/c) holds curiousity,excitement and kindness though I suppose she looks really afraid now for some reason.

"What is your name?"I finally spoke up after I realise I was gazing her for a moment now.

"A..Ah..!I..Its (R/N)!Nice to meet you Mr..."she trails on while leaning her head to the right a bit.

"Law.Trafalgar Law and nice to meet you too (R/N)-ya"I greeted her and shook her hand as I hold out my hand to shake her hand but she seems to be a bit surprised by it at first till she hesitantly took my hand.

While I was shaking her hand,her hand felt rather smaller than mine.I was scared at first that I might squeeze her hand too much but luckily I didn't.Such a fragile and small person yet her eyes are telling it the otherwise.

"From now on,I'll be your senior and guide you till you be a full fledge doctor,understood?"I told her as I stood up from my seat.

"Yes,I understand Mr.Trafalgar!"she nods her head with determination and with a bright smile carved at her face.

"Well,lets begin our tour shall we?"I open the door and gesture her for her to follow me and she hurriedly catch up to me.

Somehow I couldn't help but to smile to myself a bit.I got this weird feeling that she is gonna be something..

♡ ♡

Mr.Trafalgar is really kind beside than having a scary looks.One look can make a kid cry judging by his sharp gaze but if you get to know him,he is not that bad as it looks.

Though my heart can't deny the tug at my heart about his past.Is he always like this when he was young?Does he really look like the present when he was still a kid?Does he lives with his parent?

As half of my mind wander in the depths of the mysteries,half of the present me listen to Mr.Trafalgar's words as we walk around the hospital.

I was so lost in my thoughts till it was interrupt as I bumped into someone's back.I rub my nose painfully till I gaze up and met with a beautiful golden orbs staring back at me with no sign of emotions.

"A..Ah!I..I'm really sorry Mr.Trafalgar..!I was really clumsy..!I'm sorry..!"I bowed my head for a few times till he stopped me or not I would've probably kept on going though.

"Nothing to worry about.Did you get all of the place that I showed to you earlier?"he look at me with his still gaze.

"Yes!Thank you so much for showing me around the hospital"I smiled to him and he nod his head as he continue to slide open the door infront of us.

♡ ♡

That smile of her.I almost got caught in a trance after gaze into her (e/c) orbs.It was a beautiful sight while her hair brushes again her soft skin smoothly.I think I am feeling sick though I don't recall on getting near with my patient without wearing a mask though?I think the stress must've been getting to me these days..

I was glad that she remembers the place that I have shown to her earlier.She seem to be distracted somehow but it was soon replace with her mesmerizing smile.

It felt like she was thinking about something but probably she hid it away after noticing my gaze on her.

"Well,good to hear that then,come on"I gesture her to come in as I slide open the door to the patient's room.

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I tilted my head in confusion but I just follow behind him.

"Oh!Trafalgar!Good to see ya again!Haha!"a loud and cheerful deep voice spoke up as he wave friendly at Mr.Trafalgar.

"Hello Mr.Akagami-ya,I'm assuming your hand is doing alright today?"Mr.Trafalgar sigh as he ask the cheerful patient with little interest.

"Haha!I'm doing alright and its all thanks to you and the racoon!Come on!You're always so gloomy!Cheer up!"the red hair person laughed heartily as he soon notice my presence beside Mr.Trafalgar.

"Ohh!Who is she?Is she your girlfriend~?"he teased the both of us and my face turns red like a tomato in a second.

"I..Its not like that..!I..I'm (R/N),Mr.Trafalgar's assitant..!"I waved both of my hands in frantic way as I tried to hide my blush om my face.

"Oh?Really?Pleasure to meet you (R/N)-san,you're a beautiful"he winked at me seductively and my mind is in a confusion on whether I should be embarassed or sweatdropping in this sitution.

"If you try to flirt with her,I'll assure you that your next hand is gonna be the same condition as your left hand,Mr.Akagami-ya.."Mr.Trafalgar stood protectively beside me as he narrowed his eyes at the red hair male.

"Haha!Just kidding!You're really like Mihawak guy!Always serious!Its really nice to meet you though (R/N)-san,my name is Akagami Shanks"he smiled warmly at me and I bowed my head a bit towards him.

"Pleasure to meet you too Mister Shanks"I smiled at him as I look at his bandaged left hand.

"This is your patient,(R/N)-ya,Mr.Akagami-ya had his left hand some serious bone fracture which needs to be tend immidiately a few months ago due to some of his problem he got involve with"Mr.Trafalgar explained to me as he massage the back of his neck sorely.

"Ouch~No need to be like that now Trafalgar"Mister Shanks laughed bitterly as he sweatdrop at the doctor's sarcasm.

"What kind of problem if I do may ask Mr.Trafalgar?"I just had to ask since I'm a really curious person and Mr.Trafalgar opens his left eye as he glance to me.

"He's a martial arts teacher but he is really strong and a master at it.Due to this,he gains many rivals and enemies that want to take him down but many fail till recently,he fought with one of the strong mafias and got hit in the back.Luckily he manage to escape it and got severe injuries"Mr.Trafalgar sighed heavily as he narrates the story to me.

I just listen with attentively like a student with thier teacher.

"So what do I have to do exactly?"I ask him as I tilt my head to side a bit.

"Oh,your task is to tend to Mr.Akagami-ya's care.If he needs anything,you will need to tend to him,understood?"he told me with a simple smirk plastered on his face.

Somehow I got the feeling of been challenged here.I gulp down my emotions and put on my determined face.

"Understood"I said with firm and determination in my voice and for a moment,I think I just saw Mr.Trafalgar's smile but it quickly dismissed with his serious face.

"Well,thats all,now I need to tend to my other patient,you will stay here and take care of Mr.Akagami-ya"he said casually as he left the room,leaving me alone with Mister Shanks.

I sigh as I just stare at the closed door.

"Do you need anything Mister Shanks?"I turn around and shrug off the negativity from me.

"Oh,of course,could you come here please?"he smiled warmly at me as he gesture me to come a little closer to him.

I don't know but my imagination is preparing myself from any kind of attack if this person tries anything funny on me..

A new start,yay..This is gonna be a long day..

= = = =

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