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A long time ago, some people found a small island in the middle of nowhere. When the first human looked around the island, they said this:

"This is a small island, and we must work hard to make it the best as possible. We will raise buildings...hmm, over there. And here, a dock. We will make this island as rich and powerful as possible!" And so it began. The people raised buildings, and soon this small middle of nowhere island became the central spot of the world, busy, full of lights, but maybe not the ideal holiday spot. 

After a while, the island faced some problems. The clocks had to be run by people, jobs had to be organized and so on. So the people of Greynal elected a leader, DONALD TRU- Just kidding. They elected Gordon D, and no one knows his last name, so they just call him Mr D.

On the day he won, Gordon made a speech. He said, "As the leader of Greynal, I will be sure to make our country the best ever. Greynal will become the definition of rich. I promise, that in a year everyone will have 2 jobs!" He was a hit. As promised, a year later, all but one person had 2 jobs. And that one person is where our story starts.

His name is James Madison, and he is, and stays as just a lawyer. James hates Greynal, and would leave instantly if it wasn't for the money. His family is poor and he needs to support them. It's the only thing that kept him from sailing to Greenal, and meet his best friend Thomas Jefferson there. 

But then it all changes, on one normal day in Greynal...


All chapters in Act 1 are in James's POV.

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