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Hi! I'm Magic. My Dad told me to write down stuff from this checklist I have, so I can practice my writing skills. Um...okay so, my Dad and Daddy are James and Thomas Jefferson, and they got married and adopted me! Magic. I am Magic. What does adopted mean? I'm 5 now! What else? Oh! Uncle Rovan has a new second in command, George Washington! I like George. He's nice. His third in command used to be Daddy, but he stepped down to be fourth in command, because Alex is third now. Is that everything? Oh right, my Dad's friend Maria and Peggy got married, and so did Hercules and Lafayette, and so did Alex and John. They are all very nice to me. Um, I think that's everything. Today's fathers day, so we're going out to a café. I hope my Dad and Daddy will like my cards! Bye bye!

Hi, it's James now. I just have to write something down. I LOVE MY HUSBAND THOMAS JEFFERSON. Okay that's all I wanted to say.

Yo, it's Thomas. These past few years have been the best years of my life. And it's all because of James. So I'll do the same as he did. I FREAKIN' LOVE MY HUSBAND JAMES JEFFERSON. That felt gooooooood.


Thanks for reading my book! Really, I'm really happy. Bye!

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