To Greenal!

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Aaron and I are in our stealth gear; ninja outfits. Hey, not my idea. We reach Maria's mansion, geeze. We sneak around the back, where we see Maria standing outside on her balcony, curtains behind her flowing in the wind. She's wearing a red jacket and black jeans, and her brows are furrowed.

"Psst, Maria! Down here!" Aaron whisper-shouts. Maria looks down, her eyes glinting before her face turns into confusion.

"What are you two wearing? And how am I gonna get down from here?" She whisper-shouts back. Aaron and I look at each other. Yeah, we didn't think of that.

"Uh, we didn't think the balcony would be that high." I confess. Maria rolls her eyes before stepping up and balance on the balcony's platform thing.

"You two better catch me, because this is the only chace I'll get to escape Greynal." she snarls before jumping off.

Aaron and I prepare ourselves to catch her, when out of nowhere I start coughing. Stupid pollution! Aaron pushed me out of the way and catches Maria, before dropping her and collapsing on the grass.

"Ouch!" Maria and Aaron shriek together. Suddenly, I hear guards's voices coming closer.

"Get up! They're coming!" I hiss at them, helping Maria up while Aaron stumbles around.

"Oh, NOW you stop coughing!" Aaron snaps back as we start running.

"HEY! Guards! Get my wife back from those...ninjas?" I hear Reynolds shout after us. Maria starts running faster, and before we know it we're out and heading for the dock. Time to get outta here. 

I hear Aaron start to pant and I turn to see him slowing down.

"C'mon Burr! We're almost there, sir!" I know he hates that nickname, and his anger makes him run faster. I smile and face ahead. George, his wife and my parents are already on the boat, and helping Maria up. 

"Start the engiiine!" I shout over to them. Dad takes Captain position and starts her up. I hear guards behind us, so I run faster.

C'mon James, Thomas is waiting for you, Thomas is waiting for you, Thomas is waiting for you! I chant to myself as I scramble onto the boat, George helping me up. Aaron follows close behind me, and I help him up. The boat lurches forward, before stabilizing into a steady flow.

I look at my friends and family, smiling. Phrase 1? Well, Maria's here. Phrase 2? We're on the boat. Phrase 3? We're on the way to Greenal! We're on the way to Thomas.

"To Greenal!" I shout, my fist in the air. I turn to stand on the prow of the boat, still holding my fist up high.

"To Greenal!" Everyone echoes behind me, raising their fists as well.

I feel invincible, no one can stop us now! Thomas, I'm on my way.

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