A Chance

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Hi. I'm James Madison. And I'm gay. 'Nuff said.

Oh, and I HATE Greynal. I'm only in it for the money, m'kay? Okay. So here I am, in my office at work, shifting through some papers. Then my secretary Maria, comes in, in a rush.

"Woah, woah, what's up?" I tell her, surprised.

"Sorry Mister Madison, I'm just off to my third job. Oh, you have mail as well." She says quickly. Third job? Everyone except me has two jobs.

"Third job?"

"Yes, my abu-I mean, my 'husband' has only one job, he's a business man, so I have to take the other three jobs." Maria rants as she lays a big LEAF on my desk.

"Uh Maria, that's a leaf." She glares at me.

"Thank you Captain Obvious. It's from GREENAL. What do you expect?" Maria says before leaving the room. I call out thanks after her, and she yells back no problem, and that Mister Washington wants to see me in 10 minutes. Okay, let's read this letter first. Wait, it's from Thomas! Oh man, I haven't seen him since graduation! I miss him.

Dear James,

Greenal is awesome! I'm sorry I couldn't reach you earlier, our leader has only just figured out a sustainable way of over seas contact. My new job is as third in command to our leader, I check on the animals! There are so many cute rabbits here, and whenever I see them I think of you, since I remember that you love rabbits. I miss you. That part was smudged, as if Thomas tried to erase it. That's weird. Anyway, I have something important to tell you. You can come to Greenal! I know what you would say, that your parents need support. So then I thought, why not bring them too? I talked to our leader, and he said that we have 4 free treehouses. So maybe you can bring some of your friends too! I mean, my house is always free, as it is quite spacious. But of course you can have your own house!

I know you have no way of contacting me back, but you showing up one day in Greenal would be amazing!


Thomas Jefferson~

I read the letter again, just to make sure. I'm sure. I can come to Greenal! My parents can come to Greenal! I can follow my lifelong dream and become a artist! But who should I bring with me? I'll have to think about it later, for now I need to meet Mr Washington.

I walk into Washington's office, and sit myself down.

"Good, Madison you're here. Burr should be here...yes good he's here." Washington says as my friend Aaron Burr walks in and sits next to me. "Aaron, James, there is something that has come to my attention. Maria Reynolds, who is both of yours secretary, seems to be abused by her husband." George says dropping formalities. We're actually all good friends out of work. I speak up.

"Yes George, I was already aware about this situation, as once Maria was with me when she broke down." My voice got caught at the end. Aaron eyes are wide open, poor guy didn't know. George nods.

"Good. Well, not so good. Any ideas to get her out of the mess she's in?" He asks. I remember Thomas's letter to me, what if we get Maria a place in Greenal? Before I even can say anything Aaron speaks up.

"Well, we're lawyers. Why don't we just help get her divorced?" Well, that's a good plan too. George shakes his head.

"And what proof do we have? No witnesess, and Reynolds is rich. He can get a lawyer to fight for him easily. Plus, he is in VERY good terms with Gordon D. We don't want our company shut down because of this." George shoots down Aaron's idea quickly. I fidget. Well, there are free treehouses in Greenal, so why not?

"Ah, well. I just recieved a letter from Greenal from my uh, best friend Thomas Jefferson. He said that there are 4 free treehouses and that he has permission for me and my parents to move in. He also said that there are still spare homes, so maybe Maria can come too?" I flush out. I looked around nervously, I knew that some people hated Greenal but loved Greynal, but I was the opposite. Luckily, George and Aaron are happy for me.

"Congrats James!" George says.

"Yeah congrats man! Uh, are there any more places there?" Aaron asks nervously. I think for a minute.

"Yeah! There's 4 treehouses, so one for my parents, one for Maria, one for you, and George if you wanna come you can stay in the last house!" I say, excited. George smiles, but then it disappears.

"James, I would love to live in Greenal with my wife, but where will you live?" George asks kindly. He knows that he won't be able to come. But he can!

"No problem! Thomas also mentioned that I could stay with him, since he's third in comand his tree house is bigger than others." I smile. We have a plan! George smiles ear to ear.

"Perfect! We have a plan. James, send a letter to your parents to explain the plan. Aaron, you and I will come up with a plan to sneak Maria out of here. Good talk gentlemen, let's get to work!" I stand up head for the door. "Oh, Madison, Burr, later let's meet at Madison's house for further plans." Washington calls out before I close the door. I nod and leave.

I'm so excited! Not only am I gonna see Thomas again, I'm going with my parents and friends!

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