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Dreams are...weird. What, were you expecting a whole paragraph on how dreams are strange things? Well too bad. Dreams are weird. At least, my dreams are.

My dream started in some sorta fortune shop. I'm sitting in a chair and in front of me, a masked person holding a crystal ball. Pssh, I think. Fortune tellers are stupid.

"Despite what you think, I am not stupid." the masked person said. Their voice is raspy, and I still can't tell if it's a boy or a girl. Wait, did they read my thought? Pssh, of course they did, this is a dream. "Yes, it is a dream. But sometimes dreams has meanings, as this one does." 

"Yeah right." I scoff. The masked man-I'm assuming it's a guy-frowned, and started doing the whole hand thing with the crystal ball.

"Listen up you ungrateful...I mean James. I believe that there is no such thing as fate, only that YOU make your own choices. Soon you will have to make your choice." He says. My own choice? What does that mean? "I cannot reveal it now James," Oh right he can read my thoughts. "Yes I can, I thought you would've caught on to that by now James. I can also can see or read, that you are secretly thinking about Thomas right now."

The heck.

"Please stop reading my thoughts!" I yelp, annoyed. The masked man smirked.

"Fine. But just know that Thomas will be a big part of your life, very soon. Actually not too soon, so, UGH nevermind." he says as my dream starts to fade away.

"W-wait!" I call out. "What do you mean? How will he-?"

I wake up in my bed, sweating.

Who is that masked man?

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