Sick n Musicals

241 18 13

It's been less than a day since me and James have started going out, and I'm already freaking out! I mean, James says he's only sick because of the pollution from Greynal, but like no one else from Greynal like Aaron or Maria are still sick! I think. Not sure. So James is lying, unless he has the worst immune system in the world. 

James is currently in the kitchen, maybe I can make him feel better. I creep up to James and put my arms around him. I nuzzle my chin on his head. 

"Hi Thom, what's up? James says softly. I giggle.

"Sounds about right, since I'm taller than you." James laughs at my pathetic joke. My heart swells, this could work! Then suddenly James's laughs turn into coughs. He starts hacking and I just feel so...helpless. How can I help the most awesome person in the world? I frown and hug James close. Maybe... I perk up. "Ssh, James it's okay, hey, how 'bout I make some herb soup for you? It's my special dish!" I lie. Well, herb soup is my SECOND best dish. Mac n cheese is my first. Eh, it's alright. James nodded which causes my head to move up and down too. We laugh. I let go of James and rush him to lie in my bed, which is actually a mattress on the floor made out of straw. He grumbles jokingly, and settles down in the blankets. I rush around the kitchen, this has to be PERFECT.

Time skip

I blow on the hot soup as I walk over to James. I kneel, before deciding to play with James a little.

"Thomas, just give me the soup!" James whines playfully. I shake my head, smiling.

"Nuh uh, Mister Madison," James blushes. "Apparently, you're too sick, so I'm gonna have to feed you the soup!" James looks at me in disbelief. I giggle, then try to feed him the soup.

"Noooooooooooo!" yelps James, smiling, as he snuggles up in the blankets. "The soup monster is coming to get me!" He yells. I puff out my chest.

"Yes," I say in a deep voice. "And I shall force you to drink your soup!" James giggles and punches me lightheartedly. I spill a little soup, then look at James and sigh in a tone of disappointment. "Mister Madison, it seems you have defeated the soup monster. Here, have your rewards, some soup." I hand James the bowl and he gently takes it and sips it. I move over onto the bed with him. I start stroking James's hair tenderly. He's just so cute!

"Thomas this is great! I...really like it." James says softly. Awww, his soft voice is so cute and gentle! Wait, did he try to say... I love you? Ummm, o-okay? I mean, him too, but is it too early to say that or kiss? Because James isn't making it easy to not kiss him. Hmph.

"Uhm, thanks J-jemmy!" I stutter. We both sit there in easy silence, me stroking James's hair and him drinking soup. Then, the annoying voice of Jeffduck appears in my head.

Psst! Now kiss!

Shut up Jeffduck, I think.


I'm just trying to spend some time with my boyfriend okay!?

So? I'm just here to deliver a message from Rovan.

Ugh. Fine, what's the message?

There's a musical performance tomorrow, and Rovan wants you to represent him since we're busy.

Sure. Anyone I know performing?

How am I supposed to know!? Ugh, anyway, I have the list of performers here.

Read it then!

Fine. Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, uh, a guy with a really long name, the Schuyler sisters, and some others who are not important.

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